So, after casting about for minatures to make my army uniqe past GW's standard sets of stuff, I almost despaired. There are so few alternative miniatures for us around compared to other armies, most of them made by the esteemed Rikard (Cuddoes!). So, after some brainstorming, I settled for making a Crocodile Stegadon, using a GW plastic stegadon sprue (or 2) and Kadamastar, the anchient devourer from Banelords. The plan is to simply settle the howdah (spelling?) on Kadamastar. I was thinking of building the howdah as an anchient steg/EotG, perhaps mixing the two up and constructing a larger howdah if i can get my hands on two cheap steg boxes somewhere. Since Kadamaster is huge (not as tall as a steg, but far longer and broader), I was thinking I might need a alrger howdah to fill him out. The base is going to be an issue, since I use micro art jungle bases, so might have to get a few and put them all together. So, any ideás to add to this project that you think would be cool? P.S. And since some people sometimes are a bit uptight about base sizes, how would you feel about facing Kadamastar (having a twice as broad base as a normal steg) in an opposing army?
Good idea, I'm sure it will turn out great. I've used another Banelegions monster, Keiroc-Cro, as a Stonehorn mount for a Hunter and it turned out to be a great centrepeice in my Ogre army (there are pics in my Ogre Gnoblog linked in my sig). Kadamastar should look even more impressive in a Lizardmen army, since it appears to be a bit bigger than Keiroc-Cro while the Lizardmen are a lot smaller than the Ogres!
It's much too big for a Sally. Big for a Steg too, but not unreasonably so. Might even be a decent match for a Dread Saurian with the right bling. Check out this picture for scale:
Welll, I'd just mark the front and rear width of a normal stegadon based centered in the larger custom base that you are using, with that serving as the "actual" base size. Truth be told, as far as I know, front width isn't really going to affect all that much (unless it is going to let you impact hit more target units than normal) while giving you a larger area to be clipped by templates.
AFAIK, having a bigger base is a disadvantage in most situations. Obviously not as maneuverable and you can get attacked by more models.
Aye, that was my opinion as well. Slight issue with Kadamasta is that, as a crocodile, he is situated much lower towards the ground, making him a much lower target than a normal Stegadon, he is bigger, yes, but easier to hide due to ground hugging. Wondering if people will make an issue out of this...
I doubt it. Put a howdah on his back and the height difference will be minimal while the footprint is much bigger.
Looks okay to me. Tbh, the height difference doesn't look noticeable. If it worries opponents, just have a cutout of a stegadon's outline in your army case and use it to judge height/width for line of sight. Honestly, though, I've never met anyone that... ah...strict on WYSIWIG. The biggest limitation seems to be on mixing non-GW things with GW things when you play at GW hosted things. If that's no concern then I doubt the minor difference in profile will be. Oh, and also you can often pick up stegadon parts on eBay if you look, usually cheaper than buying a full set. That, and I spotted a place on selling them for like £23.00 (I think it was called Molibob Toys) That's the link. £23.06 + 4.62 postage. Less than GW price, at least.