well i was wondering how an enemy throwing a challenge at a slaan would work out? can i teven be donne if he is not in the front rank? and since he isn't in the front rank anyways would he go to the back of the unit still or just stay where he was if he didn't accept?
Tough question actually. Normally you take a unit champion to accept any tough challenges and save your character, in this case it isn't needed. Remember that he can take up to 25 points of magic items, definitely have a look at that as there are a few that could be really good. I would lean away from magic weapons, since his weapon really does enough on its own. You need to decide if the points of a champ upgrade is worth the 1 extra attack otherwise, and usually it isn't since the unit will be throwing out a fair bit of damage anyway and be stubborn even if they fluff their attacks.
when someone issues a challenge they challenge the unit not a specific "character" so even if somehow your slann was in the front row and so is the unit champion and a challenge is issued... you decide who steps up to take the challenge... the slann or the unit champ
Actually that's not necessarily true, the slann would have to have someone to hide behind, they have to get out of base to base contact if that isn't possible the challenge cannot be refused, pg.77 in the rule book. So even if the champion was still alive and the slann was in the front with him he'd probably have to fight in the challenge.
The challenge can't be refused, but it doesn't change the fact challenges aren't targetted at any one character. The champion could still accept if he and the slann were both up front, you just couldn't take the option of declining the challenge.
Yeah you get to choose who accepts the challenge if there are multiple characters or characters and a unit champ, you don't neccesarily have to pick the best. The unit champ could take the challenge, of course if he is dead already and you only have a front rank left then the Slann has no choice... But if you are at that stage, you are pretty screwed anyway.
indeed... that's why if you have your saurus general in a unit and charge an enemy with a unit champion only and they challenge you... you can have your unit champ take the challenge while your general can beat up on the rank and file the only time your opponent may choose one of your characters is if you say no to the challenge... they get to choose which of your characters that are in base contact to be moved back and out of combat
ty for the help... also please critisize my army list to make it better... link is in signature if u already have well ty!
Well we have established that it can't be challenged really, and if it were in a position where it could be challenged you wouldn't have a choice in the matter. From the second rank, it can't be challenged. From the front, if it was there then you have no second rank, so it has nowhere to hide and cannot refuse a challenge. I guess if it was in a unit other than Temple Guard and the unit champ was gone it could be challenged, and yes I would refuse and let it hide at the back. From a Saurus unit it can't really do much when in combat anyway, in fact it would be better for it to be challenged so more saurus can fill the front rank and fight.