Discussion Injured Lizardmen. Useless?

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Kaixili, Mar 9, 2012.

  1. Kaixili

    Kaixili New Member

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    In gameplay a wound means removing a model from combat. But what really happens when two regiments are grinding into eachother? Sure, maybe most of the Sauras (for example) would be struck down by a fatal blow that somehow got past it's scales... But what about kinds of 'wounds'? Like a blow the head that clips a crest and breaks it? And what about Broken bones for that matter? Better yet, what would happen to a Sauras that loses a limb? Say a Sauras loses and arm or leg on the battle field. Do his Spawn Brothers advance forward (or backward) in their cold blooded determination? Or would a few be devoted enough to stop and help him up, or field-dress his wounds? As far as I know it mentions nothing about the medical grasp the Lizardmen have, nor are there pictures of Lizardmen with bandages or slings. Tending to Sauras wounds isn't listed on the Skink Duties list. What do you think would happen if a Lizardmen takes this sort of wound on the battlefield?

    Another interesting question is what would happen if said badly wounded Sauras does make it back to a temple city. Would there be some sort of Skink Hospital? The Skinks have been documented gathering certain herbs for a Slann, I wouldn't say they couldn't know a healing recipe or two.. But I'm not sure if that would do much against severed or broken body parts. A Slann that knows some Lore of Life spells could be roused from meditation, but unless this Sauras is a famous war hero (Oldblood/scar-vet) I don't think they'd risk waking him... So what would happen? If it was a severed forearm/hand I could see a weapon or shield being fitted and attached to the stump. A Severed leg, even if a peg leg was fashioned, doesn't sound like the Sauras would be fighting anytime soon... Or ever. Maybe he'd be repurposed for heavy lifted around the handler's corral. Though given the single track minds of Sauras, he definitely wouldn't like it. And of course he may just march to battle knowing he probably won't make it back alive this time... But the will of the Old Ones must be done.
    What do you think would happen?

    - Kaixili
  2. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    If skinks are the salamander's "snack".. then my guess is that the saurus are it's "main course". :smug:

    - Lord Cedric
  3. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    As much as I would like to say that there is a skink medic, I have to agree with Cedric on this one. The cold bloddedness of the lizardmen would almost dictate that a saurus that cannot function anymore is no use to the army and therefore used for nourishment.
  4. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    On the other hand reptiles are known for regrowing lost limbs.... :smug:
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I see two directions, two extremes.

    1) Lizardmen can heal pretty well between naturally regenerative powers, herbal remedies, and magic. Most wounded Lizardmen recover.

    2) Wounded Lizardmen are put down or exiled.

    I'm going to work on the assumption that Lizardmen are pretty good natural healers and have skink healers who are skilled, but not miracle workers. If only a small number of Lizardmen troops are wounded, they can probably expect to make full recoveries. If a large number of Lizardmen are wounded and time is limited, the skink healers have to prioritize who can be saved and who cannot. I like to think hopeless cases of Saurus are patched up as best they can, and then allowed to take the front lines of the next fightand allowed to die with honor on the battlefield.

    I don't the skinks would have a warrior code like that. I think the skinks have enough tasks that if one was too wounded to do his original task, they'd find something else for him to do. I do like the thematic idea of elderly skinks (skinks presumably age) walking alone into the jungle to die or returning to their original spawning pool to die.
  6. Serpentsire

    Serpentsire New Member

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    It would be my opinion that there is no such thing as a wounded Saurus. They are spawned to fight, and that is their only purpose, so a missing leg or arm would not stop them, they will keep fighting until they bleed out or suffer a fatal blow. There is an old saying that "dragon's don't die til dusk" referring to reptiles bodies ability to act on even after suffering a fatal blow, until the body is cold. Having work with reptiles most of my life, I can honestly tell you that this old saying is true. There was a sick bastard scientist from Texas who once tested the old tale, and even in recent news severed snake heads have been documented to continue biting for some good time. On this it seems to me that a wound that gets past "T" value of a Saurus is one that is good enough to actually bring it down, and all the failed to wound rolls are adding the scars that make them scar vets.
  7. Durandal
    Cold One

    Durandal Member

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    I'd imagine the ones that can't be fixed are eaten. They don't really have souls/wills, and if it helps other Lizardmen fulfill the plans of the Old Ones, why would they object?
    That said, I'd also imagine that Saurus are fairly robust, hard to actually maim, and heal rather well (along with the magic). They are bred to fight from the get-go.
    I mean, let's face it, the only real "invasion" into Lustria that didn't end in "we all got eaten" was the Skaven that one time.
    And then a literal god popped up and ate only most of them, but that's another story.
  8. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    I don't think they would get eaten. I support the hypothesis that their minds are much more combat oriented and thus the injured/nearly incapacitated would be but to use, i.e. to the front lines, road blocks or bait platoons.
  9. ADustyMan

    ADustyMan New Member

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    I personally think that if a Saurus warrior was injured in combat (say, halbered in the chest, and left there) it would probably start attacking ankles, legs, opportunity attacks. I also personally believe that if the battle was over, any fatally wounded Saurus would probably be put down, by other Saurus. Or if the Saurus have enough wits to keep one of the old ones as a god of battle, they may ritual sacrifice.

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