8th Ed. Lizardmen vs High Elves (Teclis list) 2000 pts

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Skinnyboy, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. Skinnyboy

    Skinnyboy Member

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    Hi Everyone, so this will be my first (of hopefully many) battle report. I had a 200pt game last night against a friend who's getting back into fantasy after a while off. He plays high elves and Teclis. He fully admits that Teclis is broken but it was a friendly game so I said why not?

    Im doing this from memory and dont have his exact list but I'll try to make it as accurate as possible.

    My list (roughly)

    Slann: loremaster light, becalming, BSB, Ethereal, Crown of Command, Cupped Hands

    Scar Vet: BBoC, Gamblers Armour, Shield

    Skink Priest: lvl2, Cube of Darkness

    30 SW, HW & S, FC

    25 SW, Sp & S, FC

    10 Skink Cohort

    10 Skink Skirmishers

    10 Skink Skirmishers

    10 Skink Skirmishers

    6 Chamo Skinks

    Baby Steg



    His list,

    Teclis, lore of life

    Special Character whose name i forget

    High elf noble, BSB, Banner of the world Dragon (makes unit immune to the effects of spells)

    High elf noble, great weapon, Magic bow (str5 i think??)

    30 Lothern sea gaurd

    15 archers

    15 archers

    2 bolt throwers

    2 eagles

    There was plenty of terrain, non of it played any real role except in shooting penalties. and an arcane ruins.


    so I won the role for table edge and allowed him to deploy first. He has way less units than me so was going to get +1 to fist turn anyway. I but Skink drops accross the board before comminting any of my combat blocks so I knew where all his stuff was. Luckily He deployed hes bolt throwers close to two Skirmisher units

    His deployment from my left to right,

    Archers (in building), eagle, lothern sea gaurd with all his characters in horde formation, eagle, archers, bolt throwers

    My deployment from my left to right,

    Skink Cohort, Sala, Steg, HW & S saurus Slann and scarvet in here, Sp saurus, Sala, Skirmishers w/ priest, skirmishers, skirmishers. Chamo skinks deployed in front of my two skirmisher units on the right to act as a screen.

    He wins first turn.

    High Elves Turn 1

    He moves nothing.

    Winds of magic plus Teclis' staff and channeling gave him 12 PD against my 5. He tries to cast Thrown of Vines but since Teclis is in the same unit as the BSB with Spell Immunity Banner it can't work (I think we played this right please let me know if we didnt). My saurus blocks were out of range of Dwellers so he used it on the chamo skinks instead and 4 die. He finishes the phase with +2 T on the right most archer Unit. Chamos pass their panic test.

    Shooting sees the chamo skinks dead and a wond put on my right most salamander from the bolt throwers (steg was out of range)

    Lizzies Turn 1

    Saurus blocks move straight towards the the sea gaurd. Left most skink unit also heads toward the sea guard. Left salamander moves to shoot archers in the building. Steg moves up to threaten the flank of the sea guard. Both Saurus blocks move directly towards the sea guard. salamander moves up for a flank shot on the sea guard. Skirmishers run towards the bolt throwers, ignoring the archers. The priest leaves his skirmisher unit and parks himself behind some arcane ruins for dice channeling. Hes out of LoS from bow fire.

    Magic. I end up with 5 dice and he has loads (doesnt matter). I try for an irresistable Bubble timewarp, mainly for the speed boost but also to pass the miscast on to Teclis. I dont get IF so he scrolls it with Teclis' scroll and also makes my Slann forget the spell so so much for that plan.

    Shooting does nothing, left sala was out of range and right one ate a skink. Skirmishers still out of range of bolt throwers.

    High elves turn 2.

    He declares a charge against my right sala with his left eagle, I flee, he tries to redirect into my priest but fails and fails his pursuit of the sala putting him in easy charge distance of my steg. He removes his BSB from the sea guard so he can start buffing the unit, and sends him into the right archers. No other movement. All panic checks passed.

    Magic. Again he has los of dice and I have very few. This turn Im about 20inch away from the sea guard so Teclis' gets Becalmed. He tries for the big version of Dwellers on my Slann's unit but roles terrible (maybe 4 one's) and doesn't meet the casting value. Concentration broken magic is over and I breathed a sigh of relief.

    Shooting sees another wound taken off the right salamander and the repeater bolt throwers put 4 wounds on my Steg (hes got 1 wound left). Archer shooting tries to finish off the steg but only kills one crew man.

    Lizzies Turn 2

    I declare a charge with my steg into his eagle who fails it's terror test and flees behind the sea guard, so my steg moves up a couple of inches gunning for that flank. Right sala ralies Saurus just move straight up towards the sea guard. Left sala enters a building opposite his archers. Cohort moves towards his sea guard. Two units of skirmishers move into short range of his bolt throwers and one unit moves in front of his right archers.

    In the magic ohase I have 10 dice to 7. I start with a bubble Pha's protection and he lets it go. Next I IF Net of Amntok onto his sea guard unit to try and stop him moving backwards and limit Teclis' casting. The resulting miscast puts a wound on my Slann and priest (I wanted to save cupped hands for something worse)

    I shoot my left salamander at the archers in the building but it falls short. The right skirmisher squads take out a bolt thrower.

    High Elves Turn 3

    Right archers charge skirmishers that are right in front of them. Eagle rallies. Sea guard try and reform but they fail their strength test. He only needed a 4 or less due to the special character in the unit. His other eagle flies up and parks itself in front of my Slann unit but he doesnt angle it well and I can overrun into the sea guard.

    He gets 12 power dice and my dispell nice dont matter. He passes a strength test and dwellers my unit. I only lose about 4 saurus but the slann dies. He passes another strength test and gets up thrown of vines and passes another to make the sea guard +4 toughness. My priest also role 3 6's while channeling so suffered a miscast. He blew up and killed 5 nearby saurus spear warriors.

    His shooting does nothing

    Combat sees the skinks beaten and they break. He pursues but fails to cath the skinks. This is actually quite nice as this is the unit with his BSB so it pulls him away from the battle.

    Lizzies turn 3

    My saurus charge the eagle in front of them and easily make it. My other saurus declare a charge on the sea guard. They need an 8, i get a 3 so they shuffle forwards. Skirmisher unit rallys and turns to face the archers. The other two Skirmisher units surround the last bolt thrower. My salamander moves for a flank shot on the BSB archer unit while the left salamander stays in his building. Steg moves up to flank the sea gueard next turn.

    Both my wizards are dead so i just dispell Thrown of vines.

    In shooting my left salamander finally hits the archers in the building, kills four, they fail their panic and run off the board (HURRAH). The last bolt thrower also dies. My other sala eats the last of his handlers and is not stupid.

    My saurus warriors mince the eagle and overrun 12inch into the sea guard but we have to wait to fight that on his next turn.

    High Elves turn 4

    In movement he charges the right skinks with his archers again. takes his eagle and parks it infront of my steg so an overrun will take him behind the sea guard, stalling him for another turn.

    Magic he does what he wants and gets thrown and +4 toughness on the sea guard. He also tries a shield of thorns but i manage to dispell it.

    No shooting

    In combat he wins the role to decide who makes way first and puts teclis so that only one warrior is touching him after i moved my scar vet. To kill teclis I need to hit on 4's and wound on 6's. He has three wounds and i need to do it in one round or he just heals himself with lifebloom. I put the max attacks I can on Teclis but do nothing. I kill a few sea guard with my scar vet and the rest of the unit but his unit and characters reap a mighty toll of saurus. I'm barely stead fast and hold. I role to conmbat reform and get snake eyes and go 10 wide two deep. My Unit is toast next turn with no chance of steadfast so I figure I may as well get max attacks on Teclis no matter where he goes.

    Lizzies Turn 4

    I charge the eagle with my Steg (this is the one that already fled from the steg so no terror this time). I charge spear saurus into the sea guard but they role snake eyes so move up a bit. All my skinks surround the sea guard hope for flank and rear charges to up combat res. Right sala is stupid and left sala moves out of the building.

    I dispell thrown of vines

    no shooting

    Combat sees me deal one wound to Teclis', not good enough unfortunately. I lose 10 saurus, break, get run down and the sea guard over run into the spear warriors. Steg kills eagle no problem and I reform to face the rear of the sea guard.

    High Elf Turn 5

    He moves his BSB out of the archer unit to behind my spear warriors, not sure why think he wanted to try and bounce them off the board if they ran but he couldnt catch them? the archers turn to shoot my right salamander.

    Magic gets thrown of vines and flesh to stone so Im wounding on 6's again. oh and Teclis is back up to full wounds.

    Combat he kills a few warriors, I fail to wound teclis but i kill a fair few sea guard, in the end i lose by 4. Role for my break test....... 6,2,2. I love cold blooded!!! 15 saurus left and I hold.

    Lizzies turn 5

    He mentions that his special character makes the unit stuburn so charging in skinks will just give him combat res against me... I charge noting in but move my Steg up to one inch behind his unit.
    Skirmishers move around to shoot his exposed BSB

    Magic i dispell Throne

    Shooting I kill his BSB with blowpipe fire

    After his ASF attacks Im down to >10 saurus so this combat is looking grim. I put all the attacks I can on Teclis 3 from the Champion 2 from the warrior next to him and 2 supporting attacks. 7 attacks need 4's to hit...5 hits, need 6's to wound..... 3 6's!!!! Teclis dies!!!! Hurrah but it it seems too little too late as my unit breaks and roles a 5 for flee distance. High elves go six and I lose the unit....

    High elves turn 6

    He reforms his sea guard and faces the stegadon. He reforms his archers to face the stupid salamander.

    Magic.. Teclis is DEAD!!!

    Shooting he fires everything he can at the steg but that ninja dinosaur only loses 3 crew, 1 remaining.

    No combat but hes not worried of the steg destroying the unit, even if he flees my charge he wont go off the table edge and he promptly reminds me that there are no points for fleeing units.

    Lizzie turn 6

    The blood splattered stegadon and his lone rider issue a mighty roar and charge the sea guard. The enraged beast thundering towards the sea guard is a terrifying sight thet send them running to the four winds. But not fast enough the mighty beast gores and tramples the elves untill not one remains....

    Thats right I declare a charge with the 1 wound, 1 crew member left stegadon. The sea guard fail their terror check and flee, he roles low for his flee distance, a 4, my steg was 7 inch away with a 6inch move and i promptly role an average 7. The steg caught the fleeing sea guard and wiped them out.

    End of the game and he was 10 archers left. I have two salas three units of skinks and the heroic steg. We smile shook hands and pronounced it a great game. VICTORY FOR THE LIZARDMEN!!!
  2. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the report, what an exciting game! You both were lucky and unlucky simultaneously. I think there's nothing wrong playing against Teclis every now and then, but if an opponent always uses him, then it can get boring really quickly.

    Some comments:

    You played the Banner of the World Dragon correctly. I think it clearly says that no effects can affect the unit the banner is in, so there.

    I'm not completely sure if passing the Miscast via Cupped Hands works on Teclis, as he always ignores the first (true) miscast every turn. Some rules lawyering needed. Later on, you say you didn't want to use the Cupped Hands because the result wasn't that bad. I had always thought that you had to decide whether to transfer the miscast or not before you roll the result. Again, I might be wrong.

    On turn 4 you charge the eagle with your Stegadon and say that the eagle had already fled from it, so no Terror. But didn't this happen couple of rounds ago, or did I misunderstood your meaning? Panic check are only made once per PHASE for one unit, so if you double charge with Terror causing units, one roll is enough to make them not take Panic tests against the second one. But you can cause a Panic test in a Magic Phase and then again on the subsequent Shooting Phase.

    And as a final side note, I'm really surprised how many Saurus that Sea Guard killed. I can understand how you had a hard time killing them, needing those sixes all the time and hitting was a pain too, but they still should have had a hard time to get past your Toughness and Armor. Bad luck?

    Anyway, thank you for taking the time to write this and congrats on the victory!
  3. Switchblade

    Switchblade New Member

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    Im assuming the Sea Guard had flesh to stone (buffed), making them toughness 7, but they would still need 4s to hit, with rerolls, and then 5s to wound. Roll of the math puts it at about 15 hits, about 6-7 hits, and with a 4+armor, and 6+ parry, 2 unsaved wounds. This is with average rolling, but dice rolls can kill you easily. This does not take into account the Special Char.
  4. Skinnyboy

    Skinnyboy Member

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    Thanks for the comments and feedback Caprasauridae much appreciated!!

    So with the cupped hands vs Teclis thing, I dont have the book on me so cant give the direct quote from either the high elf or lizardmen books but here is my reasoning. Under Teclis' rules I think it says that he ignores the first miscast which HE causes every turn, seeing has how the miscast is caused by the Slann he would not ignore it.

    Also as far as I can remember cupped hands passes the RESULTS of the miscast to an enemy caster. So miscast, role on the table, use cupped hands. This would also by-pass Teclis' immunity to miscasts as your passing a miscast result not the miscast itself.

    I am very much open to correction on these points if anyone else would like to weigh in and welcome any and all feedback. Luckily in this game it didnt come up but itd be nice to know if I wasted those 45pts (which kinda happened anyway but there you go!!)

    I thought that once a unit had taken a panic check from a terror causing unit it was immune to that units terror from then on and the unit only counted as causing fear? Or can a unit take multiple terror checks from the same terror causing unit in subsequent rounds? This was my second game with the steg so still working on the dynamics of it.

    Yeah they really cut up my units, the two characters w/ great weapons definately helped, killing usually 6 saurus a turn by themselves then the rest of the unit attacked lets say ~20 attacks, 18 hits, 6 wounds, 3 dead saurus after saves. So yeah thats about 9 saurus per round on average but I think I remember him doing a bit better than odds.

    Yeah luck played a huge factor in this game and definately kept us on our toes!! it was a fun game but your right the list does get a bit boring with no movement. Its the second time I've played this Teclis list aswell and I beat it quite badly the first time. Everytime I play it ill just have to keep bringing something new, next time im going Slann-less.
  5. Skinnyboy

    Skinnyboy Member

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    Quite right about T7 but sea gueard have WS4 so they hit me on 3's not 4's with rerolls. It was definately the two characters which did the lions share of the killing and normally I would have tried killing them but I couldnt get passed the T7.
  6. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Ah, right, the Characters. Then the death count makes more sense.

    And yes, I'm also very unsure of the workings of the Cupped Hands, Maybe somebody more knowledgeable can weight in?

    But with the Terror, I know for sure that you can affect the same unit with the same Terror...ist? Anyway, terror causer more than once in the GAME, but only one Panic check per Phase, no matter the source.
  7. Skinnyboy

    Skinnyboy Member

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    I see, well either way I'm not sure it would have effected them game much but who knows, but now I know for next time thanks!!
  8. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Think it's in here somewhere...

  9. Skinnyboy

    Skinnyboy Member

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    Thanks for that n810, so what are your thoughts on passing the miscast result to Teclis, does he ignore it or is intentionally miscasting to try and blow him up a viable (if a little beardy) tactic?
  10. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Exciting battle report. I was thinking it was odd that your Stegadon spent so much time chasing eagles but the Stegadon came through in the end! My Stegadons don't tend to do that well.
  11. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    you don't pass the miscast per say, but rather the results of the miscast,
    as evident in some of these FAQ answers. Tecelis isn't immune to those.
  12. Skinnyboy

    Skinnyboy Member

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    Yeah they just ended up in my way alot, in retrospect I should have tried just moving around them or dedicated more skink shooting to getting rid of them. He really came through though and has earned himself a name so I called him Trevor and the skink riding him is Francis.

    Also the SC in the sea guard was Korhil, the white lion guy

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