So I'm starting to paint my Saurus warriors, originally I was going to go with orange and red, but I've decided to play safe and go with green but with some contrasting colours. So It's green with some streaks of yellow, but I'm not sure what colour to do the shield, I think it should be a different colour though, any ideas? P.S Sorry for quality of the Images, and most likely the painting to Any tips would be appreciated.
What's your favourite colour? Do that! Unless your favourite colour is green. Then use your second favourite colour! My advice isn't really advice but I feel like those strips could stretch across the entire body, they look a little small.
I like those stripes. If I were you, I would add some black to the ball (around the star shape) on the mace. It would make the gold/brass jump out more.
Yeah just do your favourite colour or whatever you think suits! ^ I would say one thing is that I think you need to do some "clean up" on that saurus I love him and all (especially the scales, I'm jealous of the stripy bits on them) but on the crest with the yellow part. Other that than I like them, maybe another colour on the weapons except for just gold...? like what Arli said^ ...Oh and maybe it was the picture but the teeth for me made the mouth look really bloody which I actually like either that or they're not complete, I can't see very well. Great job!
I'm not sure, at first I thought purple, but after thinking on it I thought it may be to dull, so then I thought maybe orange with a biel tan green wash over it to try and get the shade, but not so sure. Cool, all around the start shape or just one side? Also on the stripes should I do them larger? or as Ragnar suggested further around the body or just have large "slashes" of them? Thanks! I've been trying to clean it up, on the issue of the crest I wanted a thick one down the centre over the little horns, was it to much or to thick? The bloody teeth is probably because I tried to paint the inside of his mouth and tongue with red and I think I need to tidy it up a bit as it's gone on the upper teeth, thanks for pointing it out
That's okay, you're doing a great first job! Better than my first attempt! Quick question, what will you be doing for your bases...?
Someone pointed out a kit in another thread which is very jungle like, so I've ordered one of them and if it's not jungle enough I'll make some jungle looking leaves.
As far as the black around the star, I would do as much there as possible. That way, the star really jumps out from the mace. The stripes are fine like they are. I'm of the less is more family on those. However, if you think it would look better, try them out. As long as you maintain your pattern, you should be fine.
I was just wondering I originally based this model with white spray, would it be better doing it with black spray?
Its Horses for courses white undercoat makes the top colours more vibrant and personally makes blending easier in my opinion also while your learning shows up more of your missed areas . Black has the advantage of easier black lining and is more forgiving on missed areas although colors arnt as vibrant giving a duller apearance. One method I have seen is doing a white base coat then giving it a black wash wich shows up all of the models details giving you the best of both worlds. I Just noticed you are using yellow if you want pure yellow then the base coat needs to be light or white.