8th Ed. Tetto'Eko (bis)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Ezeckiel, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Ezeckiel
    Jungle Swarm

    Ezeckiel New Member

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    Hi guys,

    I got some questions about this guy and I need answers since I'm playing against my friend's dwarf army this weekend. I guess he'll be mad since this combo seems to be overpowered so I need to get my facts right. Some of these as already been answered but it would be nice to combine them into one post. Here we go !

    1- Since Tetto'Eko and a Slann have Loremaster, I can take both with Lore of Heavens. Right ?

    2- Since the Comet of Cassandora is not a RiP spell, it can't be dispelled when successfully cast and I can cast plenty of them at the same time with both mages. Right ?

    3- The Herald of the Cosmic Event says that all spells from Heavens are cast with IF on doubles as long as the casting value is met and not mentioning that it's causing miscast except on 6's. (Backed by BRB Page 34 : Note that some magic items and special rules talk of automatically triggering a miscast or IF. This is the only occasion on which one can be had without the other)

    4- Can I use the Stellar Staff on the Comet cast by my Slann or only on Tetto's ?

    5- Can I use the Stellar Staff to prevent the Comet from arriving by re-rolling a successful comet crash to delay it and therefore, boosting it ?

    I'm pretty sure about the 3 first, but I just need some confirmation.

    If at least the 3 first statement are right, I guess I'll just meteor shower all his warmachines on turn 2 ... and finish the rest with my CoC ...

    Thank you in advance !!!
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Yes, you can cast one from Tet and one from the Slann every turn. It can still be dispelled when cast like most things and Dwarfs tend to get lots of dispels.

    Yep, ALL Heavens spells, Tets and the Slann’s (and any other skink priests with Heavens)

    Just Tet’s, it says you can reroll if “Tetto’eko casts the spell.”

    Yep, you can reroll it to try to make a Comet come faster OR slower, it doesn’t say you can only reroll failed attempts to have the Comet come down, you can reroll successful attempts.

    Just remember that war machines tend to have T7 and have three wounds so Comet is not an exactly foolproof means to take out war machines.

    Also remember to use the Eye of the Old Ones redeployment ability. It is a common mistake on LM players part to accidentally forget to use that ability.

    Let us know how your Tet based strategy works!
  3. Ezeckiel
    Jungle Swarm

    Ezeckiel New Member

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    Thx Scalenex for such a fast response.

    That's the only tactic I found not to be completely shattered by his range since he's probably going to field 3 cannons, 2 organ guns, 1 GT, and around 36 gunners ...

    I find that my Slann is quite heavy though with Loremaster, Rumination and Soul of Stone + Cupped Hand and maybe Divine Plaque. LOTS of points for the big guy ....

    It's basically to cast the boosted Comet with 7 dices lol

    Looks good on paper but we'll have to see how it goes on the field ;)

    Thanks again !
  4. Rhodium

    Rhodium New Member

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    Wow, this list must be a blast to play against......

    Hope the guy is a nice fun guy to play against otherwise that must be a dull game

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