8th Ed. 2400 point turnement, want some feedback :)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Meller, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Meller

    Meller Member

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    Hey i have try to make a list, i need to use unit i already have, but i have more if you want me to replace som, what i have is:
    9 terradons
    15 sarus warriors
    1 swarm
    1 carnosaure with rider
    plenty og skinks
    2 kroxigors
    plenty cold one vacalary (bot don´t like those)
    skink priest
    i can convert more chamo

    about the lidt, hmm well only thougths yet is to put the slann and the veteran in the saurus unit :)

    Lord 590
    1 Slann Life
    Focus mystery

    1 Slann light
    The becalming comination
    Plague of tepok

    Hero 214
    1 Sking priest
    Dispel scroll

    1 Saurus scar veteran
    light armor
    Great Weapon
    Talisman of protection

    Core 854
    20 Sauruser

    30 skinks
    3 Kroxigor
    Musiker og Standart

    13 skinks

    10 skink skirmisher

    10 skink skirmisher

    10 skink skirmisher

    Special 590
    5 Chameleons

    5 Chameleons

    1 stegadon

    1 stegadon

    Rare 150
    2 salamander

    Lizardmen: Salamanders are a 0-1 Choice;Scar-Veterans 0-2, player may take up to 2 of following: Beclaming Cogitations\ Focus of Mystery\ Focused Rumination \Higher State of Consciusness; Beclaming Cogitations counts as +2DD; Cupped hands of the Old Ones counts as +2PD; Higher State of Consciusness counts as 2 discplines (takes two slots, but cost same points); Crown of Command & Higher State of Consciousness cannot be taken on 1 model; A maximum total of 6 Skink, Chameleon skinks and Skink Cohorts units combined maybe taken in an army (Cohorts containing kroxigor or numbering above 20 models do not count for this restriction). Max 1 of these in army death lore/bane head/feedback scroll
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    This is a pretty strong list. I would make a few changes though. I would drop the plaque on the Slann (he is already a loremaster-Plaque of tepok=topaz I am guessing). I would add the crown of command to the slann along with the banner of discipline (+1 ldr). This will make the saurus unit he is with almost the same as a unit of temple guard.

    Lastly, I would shave some points in other places to raise the number of saurus to at least 20 (if not 25).

    Good luck, I hope it works well for you.
  3. Meller

    Meller Member

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    Sry the slann isn´t loremaster, my bad, forgot to remove that, there isn´t point for it, but will may be a good to give him :S
    Im not home and have the books with me and i don´t remember the magic items you want to add to the slaan, but i have update the main post with the new list :)
  4. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    I'd drop one of the disciplines to save you 50 points so you can buff up the saurus. If you put a champion in and stick the scar vet in there you can force the slann to the second rank and keep him safe if you like.

    5 salamander is a lot but enjoy.

    Not a big fan of the ogre blade, if you want +2 str you can have that super cheap with a great weapon but doesn't work with the potion of speed. Fencer blades or gold sigil sword might be work considering, 5 strength is pretty good in most situations.
  5. Meller

    Meller Member

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    New update, have add what you say :p
    I really like the list now :p i think the scar veteran will be really nasty in a challange, special in first round, S7 T9 (slann buf from lore of life) W2 (sad sad sad) I6 A4 and 3+ armor save :)
  6. Rhodium

    Rhodium New Member

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    I like the list, pretty strong!

    Is there like NO comp in this tournament? I wish I could play in ones like this.
    This list breaks the three most common lizard-comp I see here in Britain

    Can't get more than 2 power dice extra per magic phase, therefore limiting the usefulness of focused rumination

    Usually higher state of consciousness and crown of command are banned on the same model

    Sallamanders are usually 0-1 units so having 4 is impossible

    So by comparing it to light comp and seeing it breaks them all, I can only deduce that this is a filthy list!
  7. Meller

    Meller Member

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    Wow ty for pointing out, the turnement threat link to the ETC restricktion, i didn´t notice that, so the list is not legal... damn.... i have copy the lizardmen restriction in the first thread, then i need to work out a new list :(
  8. Meller

    Meller Member

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    I have made a new list, sadly i dnpnt like it so musch like the other one...
    now im going to put 2 slanns in the saurus unit? :S or how to use 2?? have never used 2 before...
  9. Rhodium

    Rhodium New Member

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    Yeah that is a bit of a problem, when I run two, if I don't have the points to give one higher state, I always take two blocks of saurus because I wouldnt want to put two in one unit!
    You could make some of the skirmishers into a slightly bigger block 15-20 and stick a slann in there, just do not let them get into combat!!

    A couple of things that i see that are wrong:

    The Scar vet has a shield and an enchanted shield (which is 15 pts for us not 5) they cannot have two shields

    The scar vet has a dispell scroll, this is illegal, only models with wizard levels can take arcane items

    One opinionative point is a) put the dispell scroll on the priest and don't bother with a cube (the cube will dispell your own throne of vines) and the scar vet is not allowed it
    b) don't pay the upgrade for a level 2 priest, with two slanns there is no chance you will have enough dice to cast with a level 2
  10. Meller

    Meller Member

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    New edit :p now the life slann will stand behind with the 14 skinks, and try hold them behind my 2 bloks and stegadons, and just stand and buff my units :p
    I don´t understand that about the scar vet and the shield :S he can have shield when he have GW he just don´t get the ward save... :p
    I have the skink priest cause i hope for get some usefull with him... at least the signatur spell and reduce the opponents LD :p I might going to put him in the skinks with the slann.
  11. Rhodium

    Rhodium New Member

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    1 Saurus scar veteran
    light armor
    Great Weapon
    Talisman of protection

    What I was trying to say is that he has two shields, he has a normal mundane shield and a magical enchanted shield, you can't have a mundane and magical version of the same equipment, he can either have a shield or a magical shield, not both

    And due to the great weapon, you lose the parry save and the armour save modifier in close combat

    So if your scar vet takes the shield and not the enchanted shield, he would have 3+ against shooting and magic, 4+ in close combat

    If your scar vet takes the enchanted shield and not the normal shield, he would have a 2+ against shooting and magic and a 4+ in close combat.

    To be honest the best equipment in this case should be a mundane shield and the dragonhelm,
    2+ armour against shooting and magic and 3+ in close combat along with a 2+ ward against fire!

    Re the skink priest, the spells that reduces the enemies leadership is the signature spell, hence why you only need a level 1 because you always can get the spell and spend 35 pts of more skinks or more magical items
  12. Meller

    Meller Member

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    Thank you, have opdate the list again, don´t know about i like it or not, but ill give it a chance :p
    More advice will also be fine :p
  13. Irish_Lizard

    Irish_Lizard Member

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    Your list seems to have no focused way to win, eg. shooting, combat, magic, monsters.
    I'd recommend having a quick look through the lists that were actually taken to the etc which can be found on TWF in the etc section. As you dont seem to have the number of Saurus(60+) for the combat lists I'd recommend looking at the polish,english and italian lists. Basically, max chamo skinks and salamanders, lots of terradons to redirect and dual scar-vets on cold ones (a use for the cav models). The scar vets in particular are absolutely essential to any lizard list. I'd recommend dropping life in exchange for death(personal fav) on the slann as life is by far the weakest lore (maybe beasts is worse) especially when dwellers is comp'd. Double light seems to work for Jack Armstrong but I haven't found it viable.

    I'd always go for double scroll as being able to say NO! to any spell is good and doing it twice is 4 times as good. Stegs tend not to work unless spam'd to 4-5 in a list as cannons ruin them and they die easy in combat as str5 doesnt cut it except against t3 where either nobody cares if they die(gobbos\skaven) or they kill the steg first(elves).
  14. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Agreed I think the ancient steg is heads and tail superior to the the regular steg. Blow pipes are move and fire and way more damaging than one bow shot. The S6 also helps as does the save. Could do one ancient steg and use the other points for more saurus possible. One steg you can usually hid behind a building first turn so it isn't shot and then start making a run for it and expose your flank to the cannon so it can miss easier.
  15. Meller

    Meller Member

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    Well i need to use figures I have, so it will be hard to do what you are saying :)
    Why is life so bad? i can boost my saurus/skinks with 4T more and they are very hard to hit . shield of thorns also help big time in CC, Regrowth to heal the stegadons and Dwellers Below semse to work fine to if the enemy have some big units, like a skaven player, we will hate it... And maybe 3 skaven players show up, last time I was to turnement the same place i fight against skaven 2 out of 3 fights... Regeneration to a unit seems to be pretty awesome too, so why is Lore of life bad? :S
    And can´t you have hitting power without 60 saurus? :S
    But you might right putting more chamo in, to hunt down canons...
    But i want the 2 stegadons to hold my flanks, take down small unit and flank in bigger combat if possible. So really want those :)
  16. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Sounds good keep the stegs. And personally I really like the lore of life. Its a good overall lore and has an anti horde spell. Shield of thorns and awakening the wood are probably the worst spells and I'd drop em if I could.
  17. Rhodium

    Rhodium New Member

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    What Irish lizard says is certainly true, I am a light/death man myself, i think that just pulling a net list from a forum and running it sucks the life out of the scene, everyone turns up with optimised super lists and each counter each other, the viet-cong skink list that he talks about is exceedingly good but relies on delicate redirections and charge baiting, something is certainly a more skilful tactic and not one you can just pull out and play if you arent used to it.

    Sure this list is far from optimal but if it is a) all the models you have b) a list you feel like you made and like, go ahead with it, have fun, you might come across a super-power list (I don't know what kind of tournament this is) or you might come across similar unusual or fluffy lists and it will be a blast
  18. Meller

    Meller Member

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    Well i have plenty lizardmen, just no ancient, razordons and templeguards :D but i need to paint it all too ^^ and its last december :p so really fighting get it painted and based :p
    Like i understand Shield of Thorns it´s a continue spell? cause the opponent suffer hits each end of migic phase? and it can be 2D6 S4 hits, well, that can be usefull ^^ but well yes, not the first im going to cast :p
  19. Irish_Lizard

    Irish_Lizard Member

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    As for why I dislike life I had a bit of a rant in the tactics section so I wont repeat myself here. The stegs are good in certain match ups but against any artillery they are 500 free points for your opponent to collect.

    If your worried about skaven then I'd definitely consider death as removing their characters and toys will remove a skaven army, the basic rats dont actually do much.

    The reason I suggested 60+ saurus as a minimum is that 1 combat block tends to get either redirected or ganged up on so take at least 2 and 30 saurus with buffs are nails in combat and can stand up to most/all units 1vs1 with a buff or 2.

    Currently your army will massively struggle with armour as the stegs @S5 cant break it and the krox have too few attacks and are only one unit. If there is one thing I absolute recommend it is the 2 scar vets on cold ones. They will solo whole units so long as the enemy isn't S6 or has 4 static res, they will take a charge from mournfang and just beat them up. They are great against armor(both having -4 to saves) and rarely die with a 1+ save T5 and the ability to take a cannonball to the face and keep trucking.
  20. Meller

    Meller Member

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    I have a scar veteran on cold one, but how would you build him? i don´t find him that good :S so really cant se how he should take out mournfangs...
    Indeed stegadons are easy to kill with cannons but if i use 3 units of 5 chamo i have a good chance to remove the canons first round...

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