8th Ed. 4000 vs Skaven

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by smf33124, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. smf33124

    smf33124 New Member

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    Hey guys. I'm fairly new to the world of gaming other than video gaming it. Have always been interested in fantasy games none the less and Warhammer had me at hello. I have an upcoming battle vs skaven. I have a few new never fielded characters in for play this time round. I have all of the units in abundance minus razordons and Carnosaurs. New models include Oxyotl, Tenehuini, Tehenhauin, Tetto'eko, [can convert a model into tiktaq'to].....

    Any advice?

    I was thinking Tenehuini because of the negating rank bonus which is big for skaven. As well as his ability to summon jungle swarms anywhere with-in 12"(instant re-director)???

    Tehenhauin(all skinks have hatred) or Skink Chief BSB with Skavenpelt Banner(one unit has Hatred plus Frenzy)???

    Oxyotl to snipe his warlord on a war litter or any other character he decides to bring???

    So many options, especially when I've never used any of these characters...A little help would be nice.

    I've had several battles with him. I do know he just bought a screaming bell, war litter, and plague monks. He has a lot of new things with a lot of older tricks...

    I would like to dominate and destroy him in every way possible. We usually play for fun and experience and I've beat him roughly around 10outta50 times(and he's a veteran) so many battles with Skaven. This war has been brewing long enough, time to DECIMATE any and all Skaven!

    Help fellow lizzards?
  2. ADustyMan

    ADustyMan New Member

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    Tehenhauin cannot summon snakes, if hes on foot, they're just with him, they're unkillable, they're just there as long as he is.

    If you lore of life, and get a +4 toughness to a unit of Saurus, the screaming bell's ring causes a big problem, cause it does auto wounds or d3 wounds or something extra nasty to toughness +7. I don't recall with it is right now.

    Stegadons would probably work very well if they don't get zapped early, skaven artillery is unreliable, and you can certainly afford a few in 4000 points. Impact hits, and thunderstomps should work some wonders on the little rats. Bows might work even though they're strength 5.

    Basically, if you can get some large bricks of Saurus to grind with, and some skrox blox that can flank, you should be able to slug it out. Tehenhauin, and a slann should lock magic down. Skink chief in a skrox horde with a skaven pelt banner would probably work.

    I have minimal experience with Skaven, and don't regularly play at 4000 points, but with experience with the book, these are just some incites that make sense to me.
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I never played a grand army before so I’m relying on Theoryhammer.

    I would suggest steering away from the Lore of Life (unless you take two Slann) because you can only buff a small number of units at a time. I’d recommend Light if you go with a single Slann since you’d be able to use the augmented versions of the spells to protect large swaths of your (large) army at once. Normally I’d say if you go with two Slann, make sure one of them is a Death Slann for the extra power dice but Skaven aren’t especially vulnerable to Purple Sun due to their high Initiative scores. A Light Slann and the Prophet of Sotek should get you a strong magic phase. You probably want to consider a skink priest or two to caddy a Cube of Darkness and/or Forbidden Rod. Toss on Becalming Cognition and you should be able to dominate the magic phases.

    Unless you go with a solo Slann, you probably need to make sure you have LOTS of Temple Guard since the Skaven are going to have a lot of things to shoot at your Slann bunker with and certainly make sure the Slann or the Temple Guard champion has an Iron Curse Icon.

    Lots of Skroxigor would probably be good since they are immune to Stomps and the Skinks would all benefit from hatred as long as Tehenhaun is alive. Speaking of which, make sure Tehenhaun’s unit is large enough to protect him. Saurus warriors are still a good idea even if they don’t get the Hatred.

    Anything with a Skink in it benefit from Hatred versus Skaven so even dinosaur crewmen would be more deadly than usual. That might be enough to support a lot of Stegadons.

    I doubt the Skavenpelt Banner would help much because Tehenhaun already bestows Hatred: Skaven on all Skinks so the Banner would only bestow Frenzy. That and Skink characters without magical armor or talismans die quite easily.

    I don’t have enough experience with Skaven to know whether taking Terradons or Chameleon Skinks would help you shut down the enemy war machines or not since Skaven tend to fill up their deployment zones even at normal sized point games. My instinct would be to try some war machine hunters anyway.
  4. mbh7271

    mbh7271 New Member

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  5. smf33124

    smf33124 New Member

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    I wasn't referring to Tehenhauin. I was indeed referring to Tenehuini (teeny-weeny). Rules are at this link: http://www.reocities.com/TimesSquare/Castle/4204/Lizardmen/special.html

    He only has one abomination thankfully...I was really thinking about the Lore of Death and get him with Ld tests and toughness tests...Snipe out characters in essence...But I believe Light is the best lore for my lizzies, to fill in the gaps of my weaknesses.
    Have a Slann being a lone model on foot behind the line and centered to bubble the Speed of Light or even Timewarp spells. With my Light Slann's build being:

    Slann, Higher State of Consciousness, Focus of Rumination, focus of mystery, Cupped Hands(for his grey seer), Divine Plaque of Protection400

    I was speaking on whether to bring Tehenhauin give ALL skinks hatred OR a chief BSB w/ skavenpelt banner to give only 1 unit hatred w/ Frenzy...There is a big points difference. That's why I was asking..

    Thanks everybody for your feedback..Much appreciated..
  6. ADustyMan

    ADustyMan New Member

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    I think all skaven shooting counts as magic attacks, so your slann will probably get sniped if he's by himself.
  7. Rhodium

    Rhodium New Member

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    I wasn't referring to Tehenhauin. I was indeed referring to Tenehuini (teeny-weeny). Rules are at this link: http://www.reocities.com/TimesSquare/Castle/4204/Lizardmen/special.html

    I'm a bit confused, who is this Tenehuini? He isn't in the current army book nor the one before that, also the website you linked has completely different profiles for characters compare to the ones From the correct official book, also it has rules that completely break many warhammer rules such as for oxayotl
    "Amazing Stealth- When you are finished deployment you may place Oxayotl any where on the board even in the enemies area. The only exception is that he cannot be deployed within 8" of any enemy model."
    This is an incorrect "scout" rule and does not exist

    So either
    A) you haven't realised these are fan-made rules that run in the face of real rules, if this is the case I would recommend getting the army book to help you construct you army in an easier fashion
    B) you and your friend know these are fan rules and want to give it a shot (nothing wrong with that) however if this is the case there is little point asking for our input since we don't know these rules, don't play the game with rules that compete with official rules and won't be able to give you advice

    And yes
    All Skaven shooting is magical, a lone slann will die very quickly against a Skaven army (especially a large one wi all the tools)

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