Hi, and greetings from snowy Finland ! I'm just starting to get in the world of Warhammer and I'm riding there on the back of a Saurus Warrior! So yes, I'm here to learn more about the Lizardmen's army which I've found the most interesting to me. Maybe it's because of my limitless interest of snakes why I found this reptilian race most close to me. I have three snakes of my own and I'm planning to get more in the future.~ My boyfriend is the one who introduced me the whole Warhammer game and got me into this stuff. He has been teaching me the basics and we have played few small games and one bigger (2000pts) game. I have no army of my own yet, but I've been playing with my boyfriend's friend's Lizardmen, and I'm already planning how I would paint my own Lizardmen army when I get one. So yeah, here's all relevant (and little bit off-topic too) I have to say for now. I hope to learn alot from here and get some tips for playing with the Lizardmen army and painting them :>
n810 : Thanks for a warm welcome. I still think it's way off my budjet at the moment, unless my boyfriend doesn't give me a helping hand with some money ;3 Just kidding. I'm trying to save some so I could buy them on my own. Mahtis : Heipä hei sinnekin! I already have encountered some other Finns here. I hope I found much information and helping people here so I can get into the game properly~
Welcome! Let's test my Finnish here: Kiitos for joining Lustria-Online! And there my Finnish is already at its end..so in case I got that horribly wrong: Thank you for joining LO! Hope you have a good time over here, we have lots of enthusiastic members to help you on your way Hope to see you around, The Hunted