Blog Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (Woogity's Rex! )

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Caprasauridae, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen

    Thanks, I just wish you hadn't said anything about the cancan effect, now it starts to play in my head whenever I look at them... Oh, sweet ignorance! :D
  2. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen

    A small progress update!

    First, I want to post a picture of my current army, that brought me the sweet victory from Bretonnians:


    You'll notice, that there are models that I haven't shown here. With the exception of the Slann hinself, the new models I have not painted myself. The dark Skinks that I used as Chameleon Skinks are bought from HeadHunter Store, a Finland based painting studio. The Salamander and the Slann were bought from eBay, but the Slann was only primed black. I will honour the paint job (read: I'm too lazy) and will not strip those models.

    Moving on! The Slann... I pondered for a long time how I should paint him. He still needs some finishing touches, but otherwise he is ready and I'm quite happy with the result.




    Finally, here's the progress I have made with the Cold Ones. The skin and scales are ready, other parts need some additional work. Oh, and of course the riders are still missing...


    For these I used heavily diluted paints for the first time as a layering tool, and the results vary. The yellow turned out... OK, I think.


    I want to show this one Cold One, because for his claws I used, for the first time, serial layering with multiple very diluted paint layers. I'm not sure what the correct term is, some I have heard call it just layering, which is confusing, some call it juicing, which is weird... Whatever, the point is, that while not perfect, I'm really happy how it turned out. I'm currently crouched over the next model trying to paint her claws the same way.

    Oh, and PS, don't mind the Slann in the Cold One pictures, he thinks he is more photogenic than he actually is...

    Hope you enjoy, and as always, feedback is welcomed!
    Bowser likes this.
  3. lordberti3

    lordberti3 New Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen

    Loving the slann, but he could probably do with some very tiny highlights on his head/arms: but otherwise awesome!

    The Swedish skinks are excellent as well and have given me an idea for my salamander handlers (and the salamander)

    Keep it up (because you have plenty of models :))
  4. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen

    Thanks, lordberti! Yeah, you are probably right about highlights, I need to keep that in mind when I start working with him again. And glad to hear I could offer some inspiration. Good luck with your salamander!
  5. Moronic Nonsense

    Moronic Nonsense New Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen

    Everything looks great here!
    especially the purple Slann, I might borrow the idea and paint mine dark purple and bonewhite.

    The only criticism I have to add is the lack of basing. My painting level went through the roof when I started doing basing, not because I got better at painting, but because a finished base just 'finishes;' the model and can really help tie your army together.

    If you don't want to spend to long on basing, GW's paint will be a real help here. A texture paint followed by a drybrush, and sometimes maybe a wash after that. Do that over the whole army and it will look great!
    For a green, overgrown area (what I did) use Lustrian Undergrowth and then drybrush Underhive Ash
    for a dark grey blasted landscape (what I did with my necrons, use Astrogranite then drybrush longbeard grey, then wash nuln oil.
    There are a couple other combinations that will work well, sandy is easy to do as well.

    Anyways, kleep on painting and thanks for keeping us updated, I like seeing the results!
  6. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen

    Thanks, Moronic Nonsense! You got me there, I'm not a fan of basing. I know it's something I should do, and I have even purchased those paints you mentioned together with some static grass, but I'm reluctant to start. Worry not, I'll do it at some point. Especially the Cold Ones look silly if they don't have any basing due to the plastic "pseudo-basing" on the model. And the Slann really needs something heavy on his base to keep him from falling over.
  7. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen

    Update? Update! Not a big one, though. I have been busy with work and Borderlands 2 and have only managed to paint 4 Cold One riders. But I have used lots of different techniques this time, most of which I haven't extensively tried, so there is hope that I'll get faster. Anyway, here they are:


    The Champion and the Standard Bearer got of course lots of extra attention and I'm quite happy with how they turned out.


    Especially the Standard (except for the white. And there's some mistakes that I didn't notice until I took the picture), I think the jewel eye turned out rather well even though it was my second time trying to do the gloss effect. Here's a close up:


    Someone on this forum, was it Lord Tsunami, used pink shields on their Saurus. Apparently, that left a bigger impression on me than what I thought, as I couldn't get the idea of trying it out of my head. Thus, the Champion and one lucky Rider got a pink shield! Also, the jewel here is the first time I tried this effect, it's not that great, but works from a distance. Like a kilometre or so...


    Anyway, as per requested (there was one suggestion, so I can say the audience demanded it!), I did basing this time... And I'm not very happy with it. This is the first time I did them, and there are multiple problems. I like the colour of Lustrian Undergrowth with Underhive Ash and the static grass, but I should have applied more of the texture paint as it is quite flat. Also the "rocks" looks of, I think they need some kind of paint on them. Maybe I'll stick to the premise of "less is more" for the next models until I get more experience.

    I think I'll let the remaining four riders alone for a while and paint something else for the change of pace. I have assembled and undercoated five Terradons and am itching to start slapping some colour on them! Two Salamanders are also waiting all primed white, along with 24 Skinks and 24 Saurus with spears... Yep, that should keep me occupied till the sun is brave enough to shine again (it's starting to get really dark here in Finland).

    Well, as always, tell me what to think, I'd be happy to hear your opinions (that's the reason I'm posting these pictures, anyway...)
    Bowser likes this.
  8. FavoredoftheOldOnes

    FavoredoftheOldOnes Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen

    Damn, you made those ugly looking cold one models we have into some awesome looking fearsome dinos!!
  9. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen

    Thank you, Favored, much appreciated!
  10. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen

    The way you've painted the cold one's is fantastic. The two tone spikes seem to work really well. The saurus themselves are good as well, and the extra attention to detail, such as the highlighting on the shields, makes a big difference.
    The banner is awesome. Freaking. Awesome.

    For the bases, you've done so well with the details. I don't think it's too cluttered at all, I think it's spot on (in reference to your "less is more" comment). I've never used the textured paint, but I assume it's meant to make the base look a little less like a flat plastic rectangle. Particularly with a model like the cold ones we've got, where the feet are on a raised area, I don't think the textured paints are going to give the desired effect, as they won't lend enough "height" to level out the base. Of course, I'm only going off what I've read online; maybe just use a little more next time?
  11. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen

    You know what, Old Mossy, I think you might have hit the nail on the head with your comment on the bases. It just might be that because the feet are on a raised are, it makes the base and texture look really flat. I'll try to add some more of the texture paint for the next models, but if it still looks too flat, I'm pretty sure it's the models themselves and try to come up with something new. Thanks a ton for that insight, probably never had seen it myself! Oh, and also thank you for your very flattering comments!
  12. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen

    Hi everybody! Hope you had lots of miniatures for Christmas presents! I didn't, but found some time to slap a quick paint job on a metal miniature that I'm planning on using as a Scar-Veteran. It's not my best work, I think, but I'm quite happy with the result. I worked faster than usual. My goal was to make him look paler than rank and file soldiers, kinda like he's turning albino, so I didn't use any blue or orange paints, just washes and shades. The pictures are with and without flash, as I couldn't find a suitable colour balance. The ones with the flash show the scales and skin the best.




    He'll have his first contact tomorrow against Wood Elves! It should be interesting. Wish him luck! Also, questions and comments are welcome.
    Bracnos, Bowser and Sudaj like this.
  13. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (now with 100% more Scar-Vet!)

    i question your maths. you had 0 scar vets in this topic before and now there is one. the increase in % is then 1/0 which is not defined but usually we call it infinity. In any case it is much much more than 100%

    On a related subject, he looks pretty damn cool :D
  14. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (now with 100% more Scar-Vet!)

    There was, uh, a picture of a model that I have used as a proxy for Scar-Vet? Well, you are of course correct, Lord Tsunami, I just love saying it like they do in ads. And thanks for the comment!

    EDIT: Oh, right, I just got back from the game. A really fun match, which could have gone either way, but ended in my victory with no elf or their kin left on the table. The decisive moment was when my opponent's Eternal Guard with her general failed their Stubborn Ld roll, fled and were caught. This Scar-Vet did ok. He felled a Treeman and killed his fair share of elves. With Great Weapon and the magic venom he was a beast! The salamanders were real lack-clusters, though. The whole game they only killed one Dryad. I rolled one Misfire and all the others were 10s, and most of them went over the target or hit only a few. Bah.
  15. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (now with 100% more Scar-Vet!)

    Nice paint job. I usually don't like that model, but it's come out well. Did you thin your washes at all? Your shadows look much better than mine usually come out.
  16. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (now with 100% more Scar-Vet!)

    Thanks, Old Mossy. Yeah, I have mixed feelings about that model too. I like the decorative armour and other details. The pose is a bit akward (like, "ok, I think we should attack. Charge, and so on, whatever"), the only way to position the arm so that it makes sense (to me, at least) is to make it point forward, which makes the model a bit forward heavy.

    I didn't dilude the washes this time. I used two quite heavy washes of Asurmen Blue for scales and Ogryn Flesh for the skin (both old GW washes) on white basecoat. Then dry brushed some white all over the model and added another, not so heavy wash of both colours. Then finally I used the new Guilliman Blue Glaze for the blue, I think that makes the blue really pop. I love those new Glazes and try to apply them whenever I can.
  17. FavoredoftheOldOnes

    FavoredoftheOldOnes Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (now with 100% more Scar-Vet!)

    Nice job on the scar-vet. I like the blue and love the metallic parts. Is that Dwarf Bronze?
  18. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (now with 100% more Scar-Vet!)

    Than you very much, Favored! It's not Dwarf Bronze, but the new GW metallics. First, Screaming Bell on top of white basecoat, then Sycorax Bronce and finally layer of Hashut Copper.
  19. FavoredoftheOldOnes

    FavoredoftheOldOnes Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (now with 100% more Scar-Vet!)

    Oh ok I only have a few of the new paints. I bought a bunch of the old before the new ones came out so I'm gonna use up those ones first.
  20. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (now with 100% more Scar-Vet!)

    Hi all! In the last game my Salamanders were absolutely useless, always over-shooting the enemy unit. I figured it must have been because they weren't painted, so I decided to take care of that. I had a clear vision of creatures whose colouring resembles molten lava with solid black rocks on top of it. However, with my skills, I wasn't able to paint those lava "veins" into the small cracks between the scales, so I had to simplify. Here's my current progress:


    It's still a work in progress, but the skin and the scales are done. I'm happy with the orange, it's quite vivid, even in the picture. However, I have a problem with the dorsal fins. I don't think I want to leave them the same colour as the skin, but cannot really decide the colour. My current idea is to paint them bright yellow (and of course some shading to the crevices). I just bought the new Flash Gitz Yellow, which is very bright; even looking at the bottle hurts my eyes, and I'd like to test that out. What do you guys think would be the best colour for the fin with the colour scheme I have?
    Bowser likes this.

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