8th Ed. Another 1000pt Beginner Army

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Scincidae, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. Scincidae
    Jungle Swarm

    Scincidae New Member

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    I'm brand new to WFB and while I've chosen Lizardmen I haven't begun purchasing units yet. I'll be playing with a few other folks around town, one of whom will be playing Skaven, another probably High Elves, and some other who-knows-whats. We've agreed to field armies of about 1000pts, but none of us are going to kick up a fuss if someone runs a few points over here or there.

    I've come up with several lists, but have little idea how to select the best avenue for me. I can get a good deal on a Temple Guard Unit and a Stegadon, so those become added temptations.

    Lords: none

    - Chakax
    - Skink Priest (Lv 2)
    - Skink Chief

    - Saurus Warriors x 16 (Full Command)
    - Skinks x 12 (w/ Brave)
    - Skink Skirmishers x 12 (w/ Brave)

    Special: none

    Rare: none

    Total Points: ~959


    - Slann Mage-Priest

    Heroes: none

    - Saurus Warriors x 16 (Champion, Standard Bearer, and Musician)
    - Skinks x 12 (w/ Brave)
    - Skink Skirmishers x 12 (w/ Brave)

    - Temple Guard x 10 (Champion, Standard Bearer, and Musician)

    Rare: none

    Total Points: ~835 - 1085


    - Tehenauin

    Heroes: none

    - Saurus Warriors x 16 (Full Command)
    - Skinks x 12 (w/ Brave)
    - Skink Skirmishers x 12 (w/ Brave)

    - Temple Guard x 10 (Champion, Standard Bearer, and Musician)

    Rare: none

    Total Points: ~959

    I haven't found a way to incorporate the Stegadon yet. The couple of arrangements that I've come up with that fit my budget leave my point total languishing in the 700s. It sounds like Salamanders are the hot thing right now, and I obviously don't have any lists with those included, so that might need to change.

    Any suggestions or help greatly appreciated. Hopefully this topic isn't too derivative.
  2. thundercake

    thundercake New Member

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    I am relatively new to Lizardmen, however the first list seems a little hero heavy. I would try working out a 1000pt list with a scar-vet and skink priest as your heroes.
  3. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Couple things,
    No slann in 1000 points, max lord is 250 points naked slann is 275.

    You could do an old blood lord and lvl 2 skink priest.
    Put personally I would just do a ScarVet and a Lvl 2 skink priest (total points ~250)
    Temple guard really aren't a great points value without the slann but if you'l want to own some eventually anyways for your larger games.

    Fielding the Battalion box straight up, (only 5 saurus cold ones), add in a salamander and makes 10 more skinks and I think you'd be good to go.
  4. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    ScarVet Halberd, Coldone, Frog Venom, Dawnstone
    Skinks Priest Level 1 - Plaque of Tepok

    20 Saurus with St Mu
    12 skinks w. BP

    10 Temple guard Std
    5 Calvary
    Salamander with extra snack
    = 974 points

    And all you'd need to buy is the battalion box, skink priest, salamander

    Your scarvet can just be one the saurus cold one champion with some extra fluff glued on. (youll never want to add a champion to a cold one calvary unit)
  5. Scincidae
    Jungle Swarm

    Scincidae New Member

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    Thanks for the help guys.

    My first instinct was to go with a battalion and then add on to it, but I wasn't certain of that for a couple reasons. Cold One Calvary didn't seem so popular while browsing army lists, and I didn't know the benefit of having a unit of Temple Guard sans a Slann. So I was thinking about buying regiments of Saurus Warriors and Skinks and adding on from there. Gives a few less Saurus but plenty of Skinks that way. Any big advantage to going with the battalion and getting the TG and CO Calvary?

    Is the Stegadon too big for a 1000pt army? I thought I might could equip him with either the Priest or the Chief and then use the other as a separate unit (swapping in a random skink to fill out his crew). I'll grow out the army eventually, but I don't know how long until I do so (especially since my fellow players are all new to this too).

    ScarVet and Skink Priest sound like the way to go.

    How about...

    Skink Priest
    16 Saurus
    24 Skinks
    Salamander Hunting Pack
    Temple Guard (or something else ~200pts?)
    ...for about 900pts


    16 Saurus
    24 Skinks
    Salamander Hunting Pack
    Ancient Stegadon w/ EotG
    ...for about 940pts

    I suppose I'm just spitballing. If the battalion is the way to go, I like the list you posted above Eladimir.
  6. the ironfoot
    Cold One

    the ironfoot New Member

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    the problem with a stegadon in 1000 points armies is that you can only use up to 25% of your points on heroes, so the engine of the gods cannot be used. Same goes for the ancient stegadon in the rare section (max 25%) so he is to expensive aswell. The special slot stegadon is usable though.

    I'd get two boxes of saurus and one of skinks. This gives you a nice amount of soldiers. try fielding your saurus in groups of at least 20-25. you will probably need them later on anyway, to fill out your 25% core requirement on higher points levels. Having two units of skink skirmishers with blowpipes is amazing, those guys never disapoint.

    Next step would be to get some salamanders, and a heavy hitter to round out your list. like a skink cohort with kroxigor, cold one cavalry or a stegadon. You could also consider getting some chameleons, those guys are awesome disruption and warmachine/wizard hunters.

    You should be fine with a scar-veteran and a priest as mentioned above, just keep in mind to keep them under the 250 points mark.

    hope this helped a bit.
  7. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Thought the battlion box is quite the saving but it really isn't that big. Retail for the box is 155, and it costs 130. So savings is only $20 ($92 of the 155 is the TG and the Calvary which you don't need at this point)

    So maybe 1 box of saurus, one box of skinks, skink priest, scar vet, salamander, steg would do you.
    From the sounds of it you really like the stegadon so just get it and play with it. Its a super cool model and I bet your friends would like you use it as the EoTG or the Rare version if you wanted to experiment later.
  8. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Or alteratively you buy this for $500 and be set for life :)


    Actually you could probably buy 50% of that army for $250

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