8th Ed. 750 points to start

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by thundercake, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. thundercake

    thundercake New Member

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    Hey all, new around these parts. I looked through the board and found some 1000 point lists but not any 750 point lists. I will be proxing these things for a while till I can find metal models on ebay.

    Skink Priest lvl 2 w/ dispel scroll and tailsman of protection
    Scar Vet w/ sword of the hornet, LA, shield

    Saurus Warriors X 20 w/ FC
    Skink Skirmishers X 10

    Cold One Cavalry X 5

    That gives me 2 points as left overs. I could drop the priest to a lvl 1 to get the saurus spears.
  2. Anubris

    Anubris New Member

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    You already have these models? The saurus unit and skinks look good - great choices for any army. Saurus with hand weapon and shield are fine - afaik spears are only an option when you have a pretty big unit. I am not sure whether its ''worth it'' to use alot of items on your skink priest at this point range.

    Cold one Cavalry is fine but it is a slightly overpriced unit, especially for 750 points. However, maybe you can turn your Cold one Cavalry into a hard-hitting unit by giving your Scar-Vet a Cold one to ride on. It gives him a nice armour save (thick skinned rule for cold ones) and also gives your scar-vet mobility and a ''look-out-sir'' rule. The bonus armour save also makes your sword of the hornet less usefull - you could decide to swap it for venom of the firefly frog or burning blade of chotec (both great damage items for low cost).

    Maybe you could even look into a mucisian/standard bearer for your CoC unit (if you are okay with dropping some items on your skink priest and still got enough points after putting your scar-vet on a cold one).

    These are just suggestions; I dont have a lot of first-hand experience yet :p
  3. thundercake

    thundercake New Member

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    Do not have any models yet. Making myself get some more empire finished (have about 1250pts painted, about that many unpainted) before I do any more model painting. But will be buying metal models as I find them.
  4. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Unfortunately you are way over 750 points.

    Per the list building rules for 8th edition, you can only have 25% of your army put into heroes. That means you have a 187.5 pt cap on heroes. You could take a Lvl 2 Priest and a Scar-vet, but then they couldn't have any gear. I'd pick one or the other for this level.

    Your army itself pencils out to somewhere around 745 pts, so that means no characters. Recommendation here is to either drop the Cavalry or one unit of Saurus.
  5. Hasnat
    Chameleon Skink

    Hasnat New Member

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    I play quite a lot of low point competitive games. I've found a lot of Saurus are brilliant. Salamanders are also good. I tend to play two units of saurus with one skink unit and one salamander along with a priest. Gives me a bit of everything.

    However, I cannot emphasise Salamanders, Saurus and Skink skirmishers enough.
  6. thundercake

    thundercake New Member

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    Yea, it was for the 1,000 points. Thanks for the feedback though. I will re-work it and get back to this thread and update it.
  7. Skinquisitor

    Skinquisitor Member

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    As far as i know, skink priest can have max 50 points of magic items,meaning dispell scroll (25pts) or talisman of preservation (45) cant be on a sinle priest, gotta choose

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