
Discussion in 'General Chat' started by caledoneus, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. caledoneus
    Jungle Swarm

    caledoneus New Member

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    Hey ya'll... I was just curious if any of ya'll have every played Pandemic by Z-man games?

    It is a game that I have had for a couple of years now, and is probably one of my favorite board games to play with a group, just b/c it is never the same twice, and really requires teamwork. The cool thing about it is that (unless you have someone as the bio-terrorist character) you are not playing against eachother, but against the game itself. It is all about survival and containing the outbreak before it gets to far out of hand to be controlled. Each person has to be used for their strengths and work together to win. It is actually fairly difficult to win the game (esspecially if you follow the rules that come with it by the letter.) I play it with a few modifications to the rules (like if youf infection deck runs out, instead of auto-lose, just reshuffle it and keep going) and even then it is tough on the easiest difficulty. I think we have only survived in about 20% of the games we have played... which does not bode well if me and my buddies are ever left in charge during an outbreak of some sort... lol

    Anyway, just wanted to see if anyone has anthing to add to the discussion... peace!
  2. thundercake

    thundercake New Member

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    One guy in my board game group has a copy of it. He keeps wanting to play but keeps backing out on our games nights

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