Hello all, I just wanted to share some pictures of my completed Lizardmen army of which I painted a bit over half and did all the basing on. The paint scheme is simple but effective. Most of the effort was put into a basing scheme which took some off the attention off my inadequacies as a painter. I hope you enjoy. http://littlewaaagh.blogspot.co.nz/2013/03/2500-points-of-lizardmen-completed.html Cheers. Jeff
Very nice army. I like the scheme and the different shades on the chameleons. Consider the idea "borrowed". I especially liked the comments under some of the pictures as they made me laugh.
Looks like that army will be a pain in the ass to play against! Please come back and give us some battle reports when the tournament is over! The painting looks great. You should do well on painting scores. I would suggest adding some highlights to the greens, especially the green feathers - when time permits.
Hey guys thanks for looking. There's definitely a bit of work to do as some of the details have been left flat due to time constraints. @ loq-qar: The bases are from http://www.sarissa-precision.co.uk/ and are laser cut mdf. These guys are pretty affordable and have very cheap shipping (It only cost me $4NZD to ship from the uk to New Zealand.) I then glue sand onto the top of the bases (no particular brand). I then paint the sand khemri brown and drybrush it kommando khaki. After that I flock it with some GW Grass (expensive but has a good depth of colour) and then I glue on bits of foliage made from The Army Painter Summer Undergrowth. The whole process is pretty quick and I use watered down PVA glue throughout.
hmm looks tempting!! what are the sizes you use for the salamanders? and the rest for that matter haha very tempting!! If I do it I hope it looks half as good as yours!