Blog MetroidHatchling's Lizardmen Blood Bowl team paint log

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by MetroidHatchling, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. MetroidHatchling
    Jungle Swarm

    MetroidHatchling New Member

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    My local game store is starting a Blood Bowl tournament next month and to get ready, I figured I would paint my really cool Games Day Lizardmen team, which I loooooove, and to help make it more fun, I'll start this log.

    Here's the team (aside from the ones I started on): (i forgot to primer one saurus!)


    and what I've done so far:



    *small update* Did a little bit of shadowing and highlighting on the skin.


    It's not too much yet, I still need to do highlights and such on most of the skink's body and clothes, but I'm a slow painter and this is my first time painting lizardmen. All that blending on the fins and the necks took me quite a while but Lizardmen are pretty fun to paint.

    Hopefully I can finish them before the tournament starts, but even if I don't, It's okay because I really want to try and give these the best paint job I can.

    I'm thinking about doing a Yellow/Black color scheme as their "team colors" for the shoulder pads and such. (thinking of poison dart frogs and colors that contrast well with blue/green.)

    I'll put these out there too. These chameleon skinks were my test models I painted before starting on the actual team.



    and just for fun, a couple referees I started from my dwarf team who just might ref for the lizards.

    Bracnos likes this.
  2. MetroidHatchling
    Jungle Swarm

    MetroidHatchling New Member

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    Okay, first real update. I've pretty much finished the first two skinks. All that's left is to touch up a couple areas and paint the numbers on their shoulder pads. Both of which I'll probably do at the end for everyone all at once.

    Here they are:




    If anyone has any suggestions of anything that could be done to improve them, that would be great, but I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. The next two will be the same skink models but I'll go with more green skin rather than blue. Hopefully it'll give the team a bit of diversity while staying coherent with eachother.

    *tiny update!*

    Skinks 3 and 4 about ready for highlighting and shadowing.

    Little bit of shadowing done, but my hands are getting pretty shaky.

    Been studying for exams so painting has been a little slow the past few days and probably will be for a further week or so. I'll have some new photos up soon hopefully.

    Okay, I finally got a bit of time to paint! (yay!) These aren't the best pictures, but skinks 3 and 4 will be finished soon. Here's what I was able to get done tonight:




    Skinks 3 and 4 are finally done aside from basing and numbering. Here they are:






    Next thing to paint is the Kroxigor. He should be fun :D
    Bracnos and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  3. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Looks like a good start. What's bloodbowl like? Good game?
    Thought about making some cold blooded refs as well?

    What models do you use for bloodbowl, aside from skinks and kroxigor? Do saurus get a run?
  4. MetroidHatchling
    Jungle Swarm

    MetroidHatchling New Member

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    Thanks! I should have some new photos up soonish. I've been a bit busy lately x.x

    Blood Bowl is a great game! It may not seem like it'll be that time consuming or intense when you start, even if you've played before, but once the game gets going, you just get sucked in and you're always hoping to not roll those 1's. There's a lot of skill involved, but a LOT of luck. Sometimes if the dice don't go your way, you just can't win. But you can mitigate that by taking less risky moves first and trying to put your opponent in a position where they have to make risky moves. You might start a game thinking it'll only take a couple hours but when you get so involved in it and think about every decision carefully, it often ends up taking 5 or 6 hours for a serious game. It's a lot of fun. It's great naming your players and leveling them up and watching them get better (and so sad when they fall on their face and break their neck at the end zone T_T)

    If you want to try it out, the computer version of the game is pretty much an exact recreation of the board game. I prefer playing the board game, just because it's more fun playing with your own miniatures and board and everything, but it's a really good way to practice or just play if no one is around.

    Referees would be pretty great. I haven't quite gotten to there yet, but I'm sure I will. I have the lizardmen cheerleader and a little squad of support staff that I'll paint up after the team is done.

    Yes, I haven't done the Saurus yet, but I have 6 saurus on my team, 4 skinks and a kroxigor.
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Your mostly blue Skinks with green faces are pretty neat. Have you considered reversing it giving your mostly green skinks blue faces?

    Sadly a cold blooded referee would be accused of showing bias.

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