Which direction does a charahter flee when choosing to flee from a charge when there are more than 1unit of same unit size charging the charachter? Does the answer change if the char is mounted?
Towards the closest table edge, the only thing that changes from fleeing while mounted s you roll 3d6 for your flee rather than 2d6
In the book it says to roll a dice in the event chargers have the same unit strength. So just point at one unit and say "1-3" and the other and say "4-6", roll it, then flee from the one you rolled. Fleeing is always done by pivoting the unit around its center (not by wheeling), and moving it directly away from the enemy (i.e. its center). Since characters by themselves are also considered units, you would do the same thing regardless of mount or unit size. In the case of skirmishers I always just assume you keep the same spacing and try to follow the same rule, just be the most careful when moving the skirmished model nearest to the enemy, since that is the one he must catch.
So for catching the model... If the char flees towards one of the charging models, where do you measure that charging models distance to catch the char from? Does the unit effectively run passed the fleeing unit then turn around, not realizing he just ran past his prey? If he catches the char and also if he doesnt, where do you place the chargers? Also, where do the models face/charge towards? Where the char ran from or where he ends after running?
-c----------c- ------fl------- -------------- ------c------- This is the set up, basically. Where do they go?
To answer your question you need to keep in mind that the order of events goes something like this. 1. Charges are declared. 2. Reactions are declared. 3. Psychology tests are taken (moot point if you opt to flee). 4. If a unit opts to flee, they move first. 5. Chargers then move. So basically, in the situation you have illustrated you would first need to figure out which unit the character flees from (roll a dice like Caneghem said). They then flee whichever direction however many d6 they are alotted. For the sake of argument we'll say he went up 7 inches. The chargers then get to try and spend all of their movement trying to catch the character where he has stopped. The two units that he just ran inbetween would basically wheel after him and the unit that the character fled directly away from would just go straight. So to answer your questions: You measure the charging model's distance to where the character stops after he has fled. No, the unit would not run past and then turn around, that would be silly. They turn on the spot to try and catch the character they just watched run past them. Whichever chargers are able to reach the character after he has made his flee move go there full charge distance in whatever direction the character was, and the ones that were unable to do so would go half their distance but still in the direction that the character was in.
If the character ends it flee move in a spot that one of the chargers can't reach anymore because they run into they're own or enemy unit what happens to that charger? do they wheel around that unit to get the charger, bounce through, or end up charging this other unit now? As an addendum to my previous comment, if pivoting and charging gives the unit another option to charge, can i redirect my charge to that unit?
The chargers don't get to turn on the spot though. P.22 of the BRB shows the whole procedure, including the charger having to still wheel as normal for charges. Fleeing is disorderly, which is why the usual formation rules rules can be broken with the free reform before they run. "If the character ends it flee move in a spot that one of the chargers can't reach anymore because they run into they're own or enemy unit what happens to that charger? do they wheel around that unit to get the charger, bounce through, or end up charging this other unit now?" If it is a friendly, all the normal rules apply for charging. You can't go through them and you can only wheel once during your charge. If you can't meet the criteria for the charge, it's a failed charge as usual. If it is an enemy unit, see p.23. You can choose to either declare a charge against the unit that obstructs your original charge, or you may choose to stop 1" away. "As an addendum to my previous comment, if pivoting and charging gives the unit another option to charge, can i redirect my charge to that unit?" Can't pivot and charge, see above. You also must charge the original unit if you are able, you can only charge a different unit if it gets in the way of the original charge.
So if the flee'er ends they're flee behind (basically not literally) one of the chargers, out of their charge arc, would the charge'er basically wheel all the way around until it could go straight and hit the flee'er? And is any of this any different if the chargers are monsters? (i remember that they can pivot at any point during their charge) So after the character fled (and is out of sight) could the monster move forward and pivot in order to get them back in sight, then finish their move and reach the fleeing character? The monster could see the model when it declared its charge, is it able to i.e. avoid the unit it fled behind and charge around them to tackle its prey?
First question is a yes, you'd wheel around as far as you could go, though you'd have to make note where in the wheel you'd stop for a failed charge. The rulebook doesn't state that you need line of sight after the unit has fled your charge... but it would make sense you wouldn't forget which way the target went. For the second question, I'd say the same applies. Just treat the monster as though it has line of sight to the target that fled behind it. Apply all normal rules from that point.