8th Ed. New Lizardman army book and info

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Rikard, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Tantrum over.
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    I like it :) Thanks for the video and pics! Trogladon has me pumped.
  3. Why

    Why New Member

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    From what the guy said it has a venom spit attack. Could it be a salamander on steroids?
  4. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    I'm really excited to see clearer pictures. What's going on with the Terradons - do they have some sort of flaming weapons now?

    Need to see the Bastiladons stats for the Arc of Sotek - Jungle swarms aren't really inspiring in their current iteration - but definately picking up one of the Solar Engines for sure.

    Your exact words were "I hope the book is playable... GW tendancies are disappointing." These books are playable, you just don't like the common playstyles (which themselves aren't the only playstyles available, just the popular ones). That's something different.

    Wrong. New releases =/= OP. For every Mournfang Cavalry there's a Mutalith/Slaughterbrute.
  5. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    I like the look of this release, more dinosaurs makes me happy.
    Really glad that the new kits has so many different build options. The fact that you can make tic tac toe from the terradon kit is ace!

    I will probably pick all the new plastic kit at some point.
    I'm interested what rules the troglydon will get and the fact the we're getting magic cards might hint for a new lore for lizardmen. Exciting times!

    Edit: I also hope that kroxigors gets better stats this time around. I want to use my 9+ unit
  6. Malebranche

    Malebranche Member

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    I'm also hoping the bigger model for the Carnosaur means a bigger statline. 5 toughness just seems weak to me, at least for the king of the dinosaurs.
  7. Sealterbloind
    Cold One

    Sealterbloind Active Member

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    Oooh, I'm so excited I can't even stay still!! That Troglodon really is the most awesome thing I think, I love that model! I'm also looking forward to that new Carnosaur and Tetto'eko, I think they're nice too :) The thing is I didn't like those new wings to our Terradons, they look too fragile and too much bat-like to me :/ I liked the old wings better. Those Ripperdactyls also look kind of funny, but I think I might change my mind if they're useful in the battlefield... Bastiladon and Gor-Rok are IMO the worst of our new models, Gor-Rok looks too much like a Savage Orc or something : D

    Anyway, I'm really excited to see our new armybook and our magic !! 83
  8. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I like the look and idea behind the Basti. I would expect it to be a defensive support model. Maybe a real beast if it gets into combat too.

    I want to know more about the Rippers. I do not see paying $80 bucks for anything. Right now, I will get the book and the cards. Then maybe some of the new flyers.

    Tetto, is a disappointment (just as I thought after seeing the awesome custom one here).

    The trog looks cool, but that looks like a skink riding it (which is too squishy right now, maybe that will change).

    I am surprised that there is no slann pictured anywhere there.
  9. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    I was initially bemused by this release, the models having a clunkiness in the range of WoC. However I'm warming to it as time goes by:

    The Carno looks weird, the one on the cover at least - not the rampaging Tyrannosaur I was expecting. However the one with Kroq-Gar looks much better, so I'll just have to wait until I see clearer pics before I pass judgement on that one.

    Troglo I actually quite like, especially the sail on its back. I'm curious to see its rules howeve; that must be the Skink 'Oracle' on its back so I wonder if it has some magical synergy?

    I like the model for the Basti', but remian unconvinced about the equipment. However, the idea behind the Ark of Sotek is so ridiculous I'm starting to love it.

    Ripperdons look somewhat surreal, but flaming slings for Terradons? That's interesting, I wonder what other rule changes we'll have for old units.

    From what I can see I quite link the High Priest. I'm excited to see the details for the magic lore!

    Gor-Rok looks like a monkey.
  10. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    I think it's better that way than if it were more Tyrannosaurus-like. Two big arms means more attacks. I have no clear opinion about the Troglodon, it's so hard to say from the pictures. Looking promising, though. Bastilodon is ok looking to me, but the "heating the pipes makes the snakes come out and attack stuff" (probably a chance of them to snack on Skins with a bad roll?) is a bit over the top. Though I still like the look of the pipe system. Hard to say much about the Ripperdactyls, but they look a bit dysfunctional. He head is weirdly shaped. I'm disappointed if they have a name like that and no Armor Piercing...

    I don't think there's anything wrong with the Gor-Rok. He looks fierce and any resemblance to Savage Orc is probably intentional, as Savage Orcs and Saurus Warriors are pretty similar in fluff. "Raw efficiency" being the key word.

    I'm a bit worried that there was nothing about sacred spawnings in that book. Does anyone know anything about the writer? What other books has he/she written?
  11. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Ok, I'm calmer. Did not have a good day at work.

    First, 2 more pics for a bit more details. One shows the troglodon's other head spitting acid.

    My opinions:
    For the model sculpts, I'm pretty underwhelmed with most of the models, in terms of the look and feel.
    Troglodon - looks pretty good, although the acid spit is not my thing. With the carnosaur head on, though, it looks pretty weak for what it's meant to be. I personally much prefer the old carnosaur.
    Ripperdactyls - I feel like they just phoned this one in. They wanted a different build for terradons, but had no clue how to do it. Unless there is something else aside from the head that is different, I'm not a fan (I would also like to remind everyone that they're going to have to use the term "ripperdactyl" when they play with, display to a friend, or discuss this model. Yeah...)
    Terradons - it's hard to tell from the photos, but I think these might be better than the current sculpt. The riders are too blurry to decide on, but having more flying mount chief options is good for variety.
    Bastiladon - do not like. There doesn't seem to be much detail in the model, but what breaks it is how static the pose is. Also, as someone else said, Pokemon will definitely be suing for copyright infringement. :D
    Tetto'eko - it was always going to be hard to make this one a crowd pleaser, IMO. Personally, I think it's the paint job more than anything that a lot of people disliking this (those feathers...). This is a model that really needed a lot of character and detailing. And it may, because I don't think you can tell from these pictures.
    Skink High Priest - ditto for the poor paint job. Could be good.
    Gor-Rok - Ditto again for the paint job, but I think this one's a flop. From those angles, it looks like a pretty low effort conversion. No deal.

    What's exciting for me is the potential for conversions. Almost everything is plastic, seemingly a lot of options = lots of bits, great for quickly making a unique army.
    Carnosaurs for scar vets is great. You'll no longer have to choose between a carnosaur and a slann.
    Given the variety of stuff that's just been dumped on us, there's potential for a diverse army build pool. You would assume the ripperdactyls will fill more of an assault role than the terradons, the bastiladons will hopefully give some buffs/hexes, skink magic will get a boost, a new magic lore for slanns, and just what role a troglodon will fill is unclear to me. If it's well balanced, it'll be great, you'll keep your opponents guessing. If not, army builds and gameplay will grossly favour one type.
    I gues we'll just have to wait and see what the rulebook does to the current and new models.

    Lastly, I'm pretty dirty that they didn't do a coatl :( I think they knew we all had good alternative models :p

    PS: those guys did not have the best grasp of what was going on. I wouldn't assume that thing actually launches snakes, or most of the other things they said.
  12. chuck1015
    Jungle Swarm

    chuck1015 New Member

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    The skinks in the battalion picture seem to have yellow crests/heads, while there are also some with the more familiar red crests of Sotek in another picture. This doesn't necessarily confirm spawnings are back, but maybe its a good sign.
    I thought I read somewhere that it was Jeremy Vetock (not sure of the spelling) that wrote the book. Not sure what other books he did.
  13. Spiney Norman

    Spiney Norman New Member

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    Actually I've been thinking about this, imagine being able to re-generate a spell which you forgot earlier in the game because of a miscast or spell eater rune etc, it seems very situational, but quite nifty at the right moment.

    From those pics I like the carnosaur slightly better, but I'd still prefer a theropod like an Allosaurus than the four-legged thing we have here.

    The troglodon head is very nice too, I actually prefer it to the carnosaur one, unfortunately it looks like the troglodon carries a skink-tax with it so it will almost certainly be non-viable. Hopefully I'm wrong and it can be used without a character, but going on the pictures so far I am not optimistic.
  14. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    i like these monsters very much but... we all know that we are not going to field them because of cannons. The bastiladon looks like a tanky thing, so maybe he has some special rule against artillery, but carnosaurs and troglodons are not going to see the battlefield. Expecially if the troglodon needs a skink on top T.T
  15. eppe

    eppe Member

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    I don't care for the new monsters... but like Rettile just said we can't field them effectively because of cannons. Also Skinks are very weak so if they get locked in CC they will just get challenged and killed and then die.
  16. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    So dontt let it get locked in combat then?

    Given the number of large monsters in probably everything but core, target saturation is going to be a real issue. And with scouts, vanguard and what looks like our own zapper, its entirely plausible that we can eliminate a lot of shooting after one round
  17. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    That is my thought too.

    People say "I hate we didnt get Monsterous Cavalry" ....made me think... dont we have monsterous "everything else" now!?

    We got

    - Monsterous Mounts for Lords
    - Monsterous Mounts for heroes
    - Monsters in Special
    - Monsters in Rare

    some of these monsters BUFF our other monsters
    some of these monsters are made to KILL our ENEMIES monsters
    some of these monsters might go down during the first turns due to cannonfire..


    ...its no longer just the Stegadon and the poor choice carno lord..its EVERY slot that can get filled with a nasty surprise with an appetite for warmbloods.

    this means we will have a gigantic wall of scale, claws and hunger ferociously approaching all over the board
    sure...one or two might lose one or two legs (or faces)
    but when that is done...then what?

    will the cannons survive long enough to take out the entire stampede?

    I see it this way:

    Either the cannons support-units take care of the terradons / rippers / skinks and leave them self in bad position against the monsters

    or they set up to meet the monsters and neglect the cannons...

    either way the dinos will see meat..the trick will be to get them to see enough ...
  18. forlustria

    forlustria Well-Known Member

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    be cool if the bastiladon is our version of the steam tank 10 wounds 1+as lol
  19. Malebranche

    Malebranche Member

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    Looking like that, it better be pretty freaking hard to kill. I have decided I'm getting one just so I can troll opponents with lame pokemon jokes.

    I'm actually thinking of paint schemes to make it look more grimdark. I'm sure once we see it in more natural colors it will look quite beasty. If it doesn't ooze brutality, I dont want it in my army, but I have loved ankylosaurus since I could walk and it was at the peak of my wishlist so I'll make it work.
  20. Dyvim Tvar

    Dyvim Tvar New Member

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    Overall, I like!!!

    "Skink High Priest" -- non Slann Lord level mage option?

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