Hi Lustria! First post, and i'd love to show you some of my completed Lizardmen models. I've painted a Bastilidon, the new Carnasuar and a Skink priest in less than 48 hours (see how bad they are here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lil-Legend-Studio/431463226883489 I've tried to upload images but I get an error message informing me my images can only be up to 1 pixel wide. Is this correct? 1 pixel isn't much. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Myles
Re: The Remnants of the Old Ones. New Lizardmen by Lil'Legen Looks awesome! I bow to your painting skills.
Re: The Remnants of the Old Ones. New Lizardmen by Lil'Legen yep you need to use this sites tags... (it prevents spam) [/URL] for links and [/pic] for images...
Re: The Remnants of the Old Ones. New Lizardmen by Lil'Legen Saw these on warseer, some very solid work, amazed at the speed in which you're knocking them out.
Re: The Remnants of the Old Ones. New Lizardmen by Lil'Legen GRRRR so frustrating! Just tried posting the pics again and failed. I'll have another bash later. I hate coming into threads like this and only seeing a link so apologies for that guys. There are finished pics up on my facebook wall to tide you over in the mean while. Thank you for the feedback and compliments. Myles
Re: The Remnants of the Old Ones. New Lizardmen by Lil'Legen Saw them on facebook, they are looking nice!
Re: The Remnants of the Old Ones. New Lizardmen by Lil'Legen Example.... (like this but without the extra spaces)
Re: The Remnants of the Old Ones. New Lizardmen by Lil'Legen HOT DAMN! Those look excellent. You may have changed my mind on the bastillodon model somewhat.
Re: The Remnants of the Old Ones. New Lizardmen by Lil'Legen Yeah same - it looks so much less gaudy dulled down than the blocks of yellow and gold.
Re: The Remnants of the Old Ones. New Lizardmen by Lil'Legen Wow! Three models that good looking in 48 hours? Think it would take me 48 years to do that. Great work!