7th Ed. Wondering what your view on Kroxies are.

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Xtoalz, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. Gannon

    Gannon New Member

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    to me... Krox cost to much for what they can do.
    They are just expensive ogres.

    Our CoR are a better Hammer Unit then they are.
    Its still fun to see them destroy a unit of heavy cav witha flank charge. But its the only use they actually got.
    And its not easy to get the cav in charge range for kroxies, as all know what they can do.
  2. kkboy

    kkboy Member

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    I think you're missing the big point of skinks and kroxies, their movement, a movement of six and an average anvil unit make them ideal for guarding you're flanks also due that shooting can be taken by the skinks. als they can ,due to movement, get into the battle quite quickly if needed with a charge range of 12''
    with that u can use them as hammer units as well if thy don't get attacked
  3. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Yes but they won't be able to break anything due to the skinks patheticness..... even skaven slaves are just as good as them... and cost 2 points (just without the armor)
  4. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    A unit of 11 skinks and one kroxigor could easily mop up most support units. This means, gun crews, enemy shooters, fast cav, and flank skirmisher units (with the likely exception of some of the tougher skirmishers like the ones wood elves have). With one kroxigor, all you would need to do is kill off one dwarf gunner and you auto-break them due to fear, and bypass their annoyingly stubborn gun crews (Or wonderfully stubborn, when I'm playing dwarfs). As long as you charge things with little to no armor, your front rank of skinks should be able to pull out the odd poison wound and the kroxigor will probably kill what he hits.

    They are the big fish in the small pond of the support unit game. They will have trouble against things that will be able to dish out big damage in return hits, but this is a problem with other light support units. You can either consider it a really bad infantry block, or a superb support unit. 11 skinks plus a krox is only 110 points... quite a steal if you think of what it does! It can gobble up support units until the enemy diverts valuable firepower or units against it, which will probably cost more than the unit he is going after.

    They can also threaten to bring some static CR to a fight. Again, thinking of dwarves... Dwarves have a ton of defense, but not much bite back. I wouldn't hesitate at all to put the skink/krox unit into the rear of dwarves for a swing of +2 ranks, +2 rear charge, and likely outnumber (assuming they are facing a unit to the front already). Same can be said of any infantry that rely on defense rather than damage.

    Charging into a unit of chaos chosen would be a bad idea with these guys, you're better off just finding a table quarter to claim or contest!
  5. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Ya know thats a pretty decent point, thinking of them as a support unit nothing more. Of course most support units (I'm thinking fast cav) are a lot quicker than skink/krox, so can get to where they need to be sooner. It will take the skinks a bit longer to get to gun crews. Or skirmishers can often scout, or shoot at decent range. They are in a strange category of unit. The t2 still ets them down more than a lot of units I think.

    Going back to the speed point, a unit of reavers (HE) or dark riders (DE) are easily going to get the charge. With their spears and even horse attacks, no skinks will be fighting back because they'll all be dead. The krox would then need to do pretty damn well to save the unit.
  6. Redron

    Redron New Member

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    110 points, why not have 3 teradons?

    Faster, drop rocks (yay) and do essentially the same job as you are suggesting.
  7. Grifthin

    Grifthin New Member

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    I was planning on using a Regiment of 10 Skinks + 1 Kroxigor purely to helps negate ranks once my 20+ Strong Saurus Blocks smashed into a enemy.
  8. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I guess you also need to consider a small roll that only the skinks/krox can do. Fill a core choice. The alternatives use up a special choice, while the skinks fill a core choice pretty cheaply leaving you with more points left over to buy better things. After a block of saurus, my core is nicely rounded out with 2 10 man skink units giving me maximum points elsewhere.
  9. Redron

    Redron New Member

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    True enough. I just can't justify them in my armies though. If your saurus need help with something that usually means that the enemy is nasty, and that means those skinks we're throwing in are free CR. Skinks in a melee has never worked out well for me (apart from stegadon skinks, those guys are sick).
  10. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    The skink/krox fall in between terradons and hard-hitting flankers. Terradons are the fast cav, baiting charges and being a nuisance and quickly rallying back to the fight. Saurus cav are the hard flankers, they have enough armor to not die and add CR for the enemy and they pack a punch. You are correct, they do not act as support units for saurus who are having a tough time. You'd need a steg or saurus or a real hammer unit to flank.

    Since they are somewhat of a hard to classify unit, the enemy won't really know what to think. It's likely the opponent will divert a heavy unit at them, which keeps it away from your more valuable stuff. If he shoots cannons at the unit to try to get the kroxigor, your EotG takes that many fewer shots. All to the good I think.
  11. Redron

    Redron New Member

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    That's honestly not a bad point Caneghem. Use them as a distraction, you never know, they might kill something :p.

    They're reasonably cheap as well, i wouldnt be surprised if opposing armies assign a decent unit / amount of shooting to taking them out.
  12. DonkeyHotep
    Temple Guard

    DonkeyHotep New Member

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    I imagine nobody here likes math right? Not to list specific costs, but Kroxigor costs as much as 11 skinks. Ehh Ehh? So here's the problem, instead of adding the kroxigor to those 11 skinks, just add.... 11 more skinks! The kroxigor only kills 1.25 units on average, less if they have armor better then 4+. The skinks on the other hand kill nothing..... but what they CAN do is add +2 ranks and probably an outnumber, which helps your CR a lot more, and the unit is REALLY hard to panic, and REALLY hard to ignore, and if they absolutely have to they can fight with a unit of cavalry, and you'll have your full Command by virtue of the banner that's in the Cold one Riders, or like 10 saurus or something, whatever, go nuts.

    Underwhelmed? It costs the same yo, and involves rolling less dice. Less dice = less chaos.

    Less Chaos = the old one's plan. We're Lizardmen players, not Chaos, not Brettonians, not elves, our lives mean nothing, let the skinks die in droves, it's all part of the old one's plans anyway. Getting in character for your army is a major part of the game, you think I plan out complicated math when I play Orcs? Dot Kinna Grubbin' aron wit' da' 'umbers an fingz iz fur da 'ummies wit da big Shootaz,
    un da boyz wit da flashy bestyz and da funny hatz. Gorra git me 'un o doze 'atz I sez to da' boss 'ut he sayz I'ze not flashy anuff fo' un o doze fingz. Stay in character for the lizardmen, plan things out, EXCESSIVELY, and especially abuse your higher understanding of maths. Your army is super reliable and tends to do what it's told, and if hypno toad is around the skinks won't run from much.

    Sure your leadership goes down, and you still suck against fear, but honestly, unless the fear outnumbers you, or is actually terror, all it's gonna do is prevent you from charging or OH NO! make skinks hit on SIXES? Instead of what, 4's ? Fap Fap Fap, not gonna make a big difference. If you are supporting some beleaguered saurus or a stegadon or something you are gonna want those ranks and outnumber, getting outnumber is super important since it's essentially +2 CR, by taking away one of there's etc. etc.
  13. DonkeyHotep
    Temple Guard

    DonkeyHotep New Member

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    If you don't think that role playing your army counts for anything, I heard that Robin Williams plays Space Orkz, and never breaks character for any reason.

    Imagine facing that?!
  14. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    You forgot to factor into your math one essential variable. Kroxigors look scary. Some opponents who are overcome with fear and decide they want to spitefully attack your Kroxigor, are going to do less wounds and that helps the math a bit. How much it helps depends on how scary the paint job is on your kroxigor. Or let's say you charged some fear causers because with a kroxigor, you don't fail that charge. The fear causers might try to take out the krox so that if they manage to win they can auto-break you.

    I also forsee people seeing the big scary thing looming out of a unit, and deciding they want to bounce a cannonball through to take it out. I don't see that as a huge loss, considering there are much more valuable things to be shooting at with cannons. And as you said, even after losing the kroxigor, skinks are decent on their own.
  15. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    don't forget that if you outnumber and cause fear they autobreak which makes me think skinks with 1 kroxigar might not be such a bad a bad support unit they have a good chance of outnumbering other support units they run into plus if you lose the unit it is not much of a loss and also on the off chance they charge a unit that is afraid of them they probally don't even get hit (see goblins/peasants) in which case they win combat on all levels not as bad the more i look at them
  16. Youngblood

    Youngblood New Member

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    The problem with this theory is that the US of the fear causing unit (specifically the Kroxigor, not the skinks) is counted for the outnumbered by a fear causing unit rule. What this means is that if you do have Kroxigors in a skink unit, you still need to have enough US of the Kroxies to outnumber the other unit. Considering that a single Kroxigor has US3, that means that for this rule to take affect would mean that the other unit would have to have US2. If it ever gets to that point, I think Fear is going to be an almost non-issue (save for special occaisions.)
  17. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, so good against warmachine crew if you mess up all your attacks. I am particularly thinking Dwarfs since they are stubborn and have crazy toughness and armour. But fear outnumber isn't going to do much very often... Only protection from fear causing enemies. And don't forget protection from terror - fear causers count terror as fear so the unit will never have to take any terror checks.
  18. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    I don't use kroixxies in any of my recent armies simply becous of their high pts cost and nerfed strenght due to the previous edition(Even then I only used them now and then..)
    The skink/kroxies merged groups might have some uses though. I esspesially think a unit of 1 krox and 8 skinks running around might be anoying to the opponent becous it simply is a bit more heavy than an ordinary skink harry and can even threat heavy cav on their flanks!

    I will probably use plain skink units in groups of 10 anyway, but if I tests the kroxies any time soon, it would probably be in some sort of middleweight-flank-threat such as this.

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