Paint schem advice needed

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by meraklis, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. meraklis

    meraklis New Member

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    Its been many years since I painted any lizard men.... Back in 5th edition I had an army but I sold it two years ago and since then I haven't touched any lizard men figures....

    All this however changed with the new releases and book....

    Unfortunately I am no longer a student and I don't have the free time required to paint a decent looking army in the time I have available... So I chose to paint my army using the army painter method - aka the dip !

    I would really appreciate if you could give me some thoughts and opinions on two colour schemes I am considering;

    one is desert yellow skin and blood red for the scales and the other one is hawk turquoise all over....

    Please feel free to comment or even suggest other colours :)


    Please note that the above two are by no means complete; I still need to paint the spear shafts a matching colour (probably black) and apply a coat of matt varnish...
  2. Bengo2105
    Jungle Swarm

    Bengo2105 New Member

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    They both look good to me! if youre going for speed though i'd imagine the blue would be easier in the long run as youre only using one colour :)
  3. jacktheodd
    Jungle Swarm

    jacktheodd New Member

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    The dip, eh? I use the dip myself and just some pointers:
    - I noticed the dip was "pooiling" on the head and some areas, it's best to keep an eye on these things when your dipping and use a clean wet brush to remove excess dip after you shake the model for a good 30 secs. Heck I give it another shake wen I remove the pools just to be safe.

    - vanish. it is your best friend! just give them a quick go over and you will see a big improvement.

    -once varnished and dry, look into adding some fine details like dry brushing/highlighting metals and even the scales. trust me it will make the model even prettier and a simple technique like dry brushing is a quick jobs so it isn't time consuming! win win really :p

    Moving onto your schemes...
    Yellow/red- could be personal taste but I felt the colour combination was too harsh. If you look at the colour wheel (yes go back to primary/elementary school art classes :p ), colours that compliment red is usually an orange or purple.

    Blue- lovely color! try giving it a quick dry brush with a brighter blue on the back scales/head crest and see if that adds to the look.

    well that's my two pence, I hope it helps. again I love the blue man :p
  4. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    I like the yellow and red scheme. I think it works better with the dipping technique, in terms of the shading colour of the dip.

    Did you paint the belly of the blue saurus blue as well, or is it cream? Hard to see. I would definitely recommend getting a different colour on the belly, or at least a different shade of blue. Otherwise, once you put a unit together, it'll look like a blue blob.
  5. meraklis

    meraklis New Member

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    thank you Old mossy.

    You are perfectly right on the choice of the yellow-red combination. After looking and looking again at these figures I decided that the yellow red works better with the army painter dip.

    So... I painted the shield and glued the saurus on its base and this is the result:


    I still need to mat varnish this guy but once I go home tonight I will start working on these guys :)

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