7th Ed. 2250 Tournament Success

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by DonkeyHotep, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. msinosic

    msinosic New Member

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    Contradiction? ;)
  2. Sart

    Sart New Member

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    To flip or flipping or flipper is an action not a name.
    He changes his mind at every turn making on bold statment after the other.. Hence a flipper not a name an action sigh..... One would think you would have better things to do rather then try and catch me out....

  3. DonkeyHotep
    Temple Guard

    DonkeyHotep New Member

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    Oh mass Sart, me so Sowwy me done anga'd you Massa, Don't beat me! I smile! I dance fo you! If I can just have anotha piece of sweet potato pie I do anything massa.

    Geez I really started a crapstorm here, makes me cautious to read Sarts list again.

    On some clarifications, yes those 15 man skinks are foot blocks, I believe I have referred to them as "in ranks" and also explained why they were the MVP of my army. I repeatedly explain the math behind why these units are mathematically valid and useful.

    Yes, I'm aware of multi lining things, and do so all the time with my goblin army, but against this specific set of armies I only found the need to backline the slann behind Cav, and to backline the Sallamanders behind skinks. If you've read some of my other posts I talk about using skink screens to allow counter charges, even stating that saurus backing up saurus was typically the most effecient method barring stegadon support.

    My list would probably fair poorly at a Grand Prix, in fact, my army probably wouldn't be allowed to join since my Engine of the Gods is Scratch built out of sculpey, wood, and epoxy putty. My Chameleon skinks are just skinks with impasto eyes and curly tails made of clay. Many of my temple guard are regular Saurus with epoxy helmets and extra shoulder pads. My goblin fanatics are made of sculpey, and so are all the siege engines in my goblin army. My Giant is in fact Krug from the game "Heroscape" mounted on the right base (made out of foam board) My goblin chariots are made from popsicle sticks and pulled by spiders.

    Do you know what army I faced last game? Daemons of Chaos, composed almost entirely of pink horrors, with 3 Tzeench heroes and The Fateweaver, minor fleshhound support. The game before that? 2 doom divers 6 bolt throwers, 18 fanatics and 4 goblin wizards. Double Bloodknight squads? Chaos knight phalanx? Double Gyrocopter, double miners, double Slayers? 15 Trolls and Grimgore Iron Hide? (never faced that last one but it has infamy at my local venue)

    The point is, I have to use strategies that seem wonky to you because the metagame we face is completely different.

    That being said, I will likely give terradons a try, though I personally will try running a larger group of them with a chief in it at first, see if it can drop rocks on the Brettonian Royal Air force, and keep my unit strength above 5 for longer. I hope you'll give the same consideration to chameleon skinks. I'm also going to consider dropping the banner on the cavalry, less temptation for them to fight alone, and a bit cheaper.

    On the topic of children, come on Kroxigor dundy, don't knock the youth of the world, I've been teaching summer camp and had 14 year olds with ADD tell me some pretty decent strategies for DOTA that I never would have thought of, the kids can think of things older people can't because they don't immediately filter it out as "a bad idea". Yes, this makes some of their statements seem foolish, but, that's the nature of children. I'm not going to think poorly of them because my mind is to narrow to understand as they do, and I think that you should try and offer the same level of respect to your younger peers without suggesting that you can "destroy us with a fart", it's arrogant, suggests a calcified method of thought, and brings a level of hostility to this forum that I personally find endearing, but may sway others away from it!
  4. Old-One

    Old-One New Member

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    Im going to respond to Sart first then continue to comment on the list (if thats even the topic of this thread now)

    Sart wars (i know its not really just like the sound!- like a dyslexic star wars lol!):

    1/. blood knights in 2250 pts? how many? those are the biggest points sink i can think of! and a slan taking lore of metal will deal with them easy especially if their tactic is going to be charging a unit of 12 saurus lol !

    2/. I never meant to say that the saurus should be charging unit. Like you have constantly been pushing lizards are a grinding counter assault/punch and i could not agree more. The idea with the delfated saurus units is to act as counter-charge/ infantry blockers. they are to be used on either side of the slann unit.

    3/. Personal insults. Well you have been stating this whole thread that young people could never understand your other worldly and higher state of knowledge which i feel to be a personal insult - being of that age group (or nearer of that age group anyway) so you should be able to handle one little word being a grizzled hairy kroxigor ancient of a war gamer.

    4/. 18 years of wargaming does not mean you are better than any youngster that has played through even a little of 6th and all of 7th edition because they have had to play the same rules as you the whole time. I myself being forced to explained rules to people at tourneys triple my age who all played in the "good old years" when blah blah games workshop blah pots of paint cost 50cents and minis were made of wood.

    you said shoot at skirmishers so:
    move -1
    2x multi shot -1
    long range -1if not within 6" !!!! (or would you like to waste your unit of 10 120pt+ inviso skinks?)
    Skirmishers -1

    by my count thats -4 which would mean no poison
    -just a thought + there are only 5 of them lol

    your the one with
    and wasn't it you who said
    WHAT this is 2250ts no they literally cant have that many units or can i not do maths? hmm

    ok on to the list
    i would suggest you attend bigger event to get an idea of how those armies are set out

    - i would suggest changing the chams to skink skirms i think the skirms are 10 more points for double the minis

    - i think you have the cav set up good

    - basically i would just recommend using skirmishers instead of ranks but if it worked for you i will have to try it out

    pretty much thats all i have left to say on the list (and to be honest i just like talking to Sart :D and no kidding)
  5. DonkeyHotep
    Temple Guard

    DonkeyHotep New Member

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    I actually asked a friend of mine about this thread, and wanted instruction on the proper use of fliers, so he showed me with his vampire counts bats. It really opened my eyes, he was able to run down some skinks that were fleeing, and put them in front of my temple guard just to die and prevent me from flanking. I think that terradons should have much the same use as the bats, with the added effect of stoning things, though I think that 3 Terries is a little skimpy for the purpose, since if one dies you aren't US 5 and US 5 is very important, plus more rocks = more panic, it even spawned the idea of running 20 terradons to just stone the crap out of something and laugh.

    That being said, the skirmishers can in fact have more models, but if you move and shoot at long range (which I frequently do) you end up hitting on 6's without double shooting, the higher BS allows you to shoot twice with the chams and makes them twice as shooty for less then twice the points, plus, you know, they scout.

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