if you have 2 slann and one unit of temple guard can/do they both go in the one unit the rules are kind of fuzzy in the book i could see good and bad things from this scenario
I would say no. Consider the Feb '07 White Dwarf issue, where the Venerable Lord Kroak was fielded with a unit of Temple Guard, but a regular Slaan was fielded sans TG.
I guess, If you have 2 slanns you can choose to go 2 slanns in one unit of TGs or split into 2 groups with one slann in each. The rule only says that the TGs are forced to group around the slanns due to their sacred duty and the slann can never leave this unit.
Yeah I would say you put one Slann in and get to choose which one, then the other can either squash in too or go off on his own.
Soz this is a bit late!!! But if you do read this, well read on. If i remember correctly in the previous edition of the army book only one temple guard unit could be taken per Slann and only one Slann could join each TG unit. I assume the rules for joining are probably the same as in the old Army Book. Cheers, Bez