Just finished my first named hero, Tetto'eko. Took about 3.5 hours to finish, and I'm pretty pleased with how he turned out.
Interesting paint scheme. I like his cold appearance, I like the color choice you have made for him and his palaquin, they mach each other well. Those extra bitz you have put to his palaquin are also fun addition.
Looks pretty good. How are you going to do his base? It looks like his headdress could use a wash and a highlight, to add some more definition. To me, it seems like the palanquin is a little too much unbroken grey. It would be challenging, but it might be worth picking out the edges some of the etched details with a highlight, or even painting them a different colour (eg. alternating colours on the triangles that border it).
Good eye on the headdress. It's one of the few areas I forgot to wash/highlight. I wish you could see the palanquin, as it does break up with some patches/swirls of green/grey. I mixed steel, dark green, and just a little black to get a really neat color that's not quite grey, not quite green. But yeah, I may try to bring out the colors a bit with some highlighting. Thanks for the advice! Also, I'm not sure how I'm going to do the base. I've not done bases before, so I need to do some research before attempting to base this model.