7th Ed. Lizardmen vs Deamons of Chaos 2250

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Gannon, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. Gannon

    Gannon New Member

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    I made myself a list that I thought would be balanced. So I tested it out vs 2 friendly players off my local hobby club. A Vampire player and a Deamon player.

    First match was versus the Vampire player but it isn't even worth making a battle report. cause at the end all he had was his lord + blood knights and I lost 1 unit of spears + chams.

    On to the Deamon battle which was alot more interresting.

    Lizardmen List

    Slann BSB
    Focus of Mystery
    Focused Rumination
    War Banner, Rod of The Storms
    Bane Head, Cupped Hands of the Old Ones

    Scar Vet
    Cold one, Light Armor
    Sword of Might

    Skink priest lvl 2
    Dispell Scroll
    Plaque of Tepok

    Skink Cohort x10

    Saurus Spears x15

    Saurus Spears x15

    Temple Guards FC x 16

    Terradons x3

    Chameleons x6

    Cold Ones x5
    Musician, Huanchi's Blessed Totem

    Razedons x2

    Deamons List

    Blood Thirster

    Herald on Juggernaugt
    magic items ?

    Herald on Juggernaugt
    magic items ?
    Banner of Sundering

    Bloodletters x10

    Bloodletters x10

    Bloddletters x10

    Furies x5

    Furies x5

    Fleshhounds x5

    Fleshhounds x5

    Fleshhounds x5

    Fleshhounds x5

    Bloodcrusher x1


    Top: Deamons

    Below: Lizardmen

    Deamons : Feshhounds, Furies, Fleshounds[1st Herald] , Bloodletter, fleshounds[2nd Herald], Bloodletter, Blood crushter (between 2 units), fleshhounds, bloodletter, Furies, Bloodthirster

    Lizardmen: Terradons, Razerdons, Saurus Spears, TG, EoTG, Saurus Spears, Cold Ones, Skink Cohort

    Slann => Lore of Death
    Priest, Second Sign of Amul, Forked Lighting and Comet of Casandora

    Deamon : Nothing

    I rolled of to go first.

    Lizardmen Turn 1

    I move everything up to 6", Cold Ones move toward forest and cohorts move 12". Terries fly into the forest and Razerdons infront of forest out of LoS from the hounds or furies. Chameleons were in the right forest infront of his 4th unit of fleshhounds. I move those up 63 to shoot those hounds.

    Magic: His hounds had MR 3 and were all infront of his bloodletters so it wasn't going to be easy to use Magic.
    He used his Banner of Sundering on Lore of Death making my slann's rolld -2. I use my engine on Lore of Death.
    I started of with a Irrisistable Comet of Cassandora. I put it in middle of his army. Next spell I try a Forked Lighting with 2 dice just to cast double 1 miscast.. I roll on the miscast table... 9 ... Magic fase ends and all remains in play spells go away... What a great start.

    Shooting: Nothing in range but my 5 chams.. They cause 4 wounds, 2 hounds gone.

    Combat: /

    Deamon Turn 1

    He Charges his 3 lhounds towards my chameleons and he charges his right unit of furies to my skink cohort. I S&S with my skink cohort and choose to flee with my chams. I flee right in the forest and he has a failed charge. Left furies move to left side of forest. Fleshounds stop infront of the forest. Bloodthirster moves infront of right forest. His bloodcrusher marches forward rest of his army makes a 3" march move.

    Magic : /

    Shooting /

    Combat:/ Furies kill 2 skinks, skinks kill nothing. Standoff

    Lizardmen turn 2

    I charge my cold ones right into his bloodcrusher. Rolling a 6 on Huanchi's totem really helps moving trough forest ;) Loved the look on my opponents eyes. Chameleons rally and I move my terradons across his fleshhounds around the hill and right next t his first unit of bloodletters. My razerdons move right next to the forest in shooting range of his fleshhounds. Saurus blocks + EoTG move 8" forward.

    Magic: Most of it just got dispelled. I did 1 wound on a fleshhounds and killed 2 bloodletters. Love stega being large target so priest has LoS over units :D

    Shooting : Terradons Drop Rocks on fleshhounds killing 1. Razerdons shoot at same target having 20 shots.. 2 wounds 1 more kill... Terradons trow javalins on bloodletters killing 2..

    Combat: Cold Ones with Scar Vet kill the bloodcrusher instantly overrunning but only 7"... means they are in range to be charged. Furies win combat vs skink cohort but I roll Insane Courage when 5 was enough.

    Deamons Turn 2

    He declares a charge with his right unit of Bloodletters into my Cold Ones. I hold.
    Left side: Hounds move into forest. Furies move backwards in pursuit of my terradons. His middle troops don't move at all. I hate it when people usefull combat armies and still act defensively.
    On right side he moves his Bloodthirster acrros the forest with nice view in rear of all my saurus blocks.
    He moves his 3 right hounds back to get a flank charge on my cold ones later.

    Magic: /

    Shooting: /

    Combat: Furies and skinks go on in their combat. Skinks lose by 1, they run and get caught.
    Bloodletters kill 1 cold one. In return I kill 2 bloodletters. He rolls enough on instabilty test having his BSB around. No further deaths.

    Lizardmen turn 3

    No charges. I move my terradons onto the center of his army. Chameleons in the forest to shoot at the furies.
    Razerdons move forward to shoot at the hounds containing a Herald. Saurus and EoTG move again 8" forward. No use not moving as he always has charge range of 14".

    Magic: Again nothing much. 2 Hounds die of the right mack threatening my flank of my cold ones.
    2 more Bloodletters and another wounds on a hound.

    Shooting: Razerdons 2 shots 1 Wound on a hound. Chameleons fail to do any wounds on the furies. Same with the terradons. No wounds on the bloodletters.

    Combat: Bloodletters fail to do any wounds on my CoR and in return I kill 3. He rolls bad and his bloodletters die.

    Deamon turn 3

    Bloodletters and 1 remaining fleshhound take my CoR in the flanks. He charges both Fleshhound units with herald in my Spear Saurus. His Furies charge my terrdons. I decide to S&S. His other furies try to charge my chams by their 4" ground move to go in to the forest. He moves his bloodthirster out of range of my spells and in sight of my temple guards. His fleshhounds in left forest move close enough for a charge on my razerdons.

    Magic: /

    Shooting: /

    Terradons do no wounds by S&S. Chameleons get 1 fury down. His furies get 1 wound on a terradon, in return my terradons kill 3. Winning combat heavily and the furies dissapear to the realm of chaos. The other furies kill 1 chameleon and i kill 2 furies. Same story here, Furies dissapear.
    His Flershound + Herald unit kill 8 spear saurus on my right unit. They do no wounds in return. Insane Courage with BSB. No snake eyes. They run and get caught. Left Spear Saurus get 9 deaths. I do no wounds in return. Insane Courage again. First roll.... snake eyes :D !!
    Bloodletters on cold ones. No wounds. Fleshhound on cold ones... kill 2... I fail 2x 4+ arm save..
    1 Cold one kills 1 bloodletter. I lose combat by 4 but Slann and BSB is in range so no problem there.

    Lizardmen turn 4

    Charges -> Stegadon in flank of bloodletters who are attacking my CoR. TG block with slann in flank of fleshhounds + Herald wo are attacking my left spearsaurus. I move my terradons infront of his left bloodletters so they can't charge my TG block in their flank next turn. Razerdons turn back to shoot at coming Hounds. Chameleons go back inside the forest.

    Magic: Burning Alignment ( finally!!) I roll 9". What it kills.... The 1 hound in my CoR flank. 3 Bloodletters who are in other flank of my CoR. 5 Bloodletters who are infront of my Terradons, about 3 wounds on fleshhounds. Not so bad. I get portant of on my stegadon. I use steal soul on the herald. He ward saves but my Slann still gets +1 Wound.(Is important for later). And a Drainlife. No MR :)
    Drain Life kills another 3 Bloodleters and a wound on a hound.

    Shooting: Terradons kill 2 bloodletters with their javs, 2 remaining. Razerdons get no wounds on the fleshhounds(softcover).

    Combat: Stegadon gets 6 Impact hits. 4 Bloodletters died, Stegadon and skinks kill another 4. All the bloodletters are gone. My Templeguards get to kill no hounds.. He ward saves all my wounds..
    In return his fleshhounds kill all the remaining 6 saurus. But I win by combat resolution.
    Deamon instability, 2 hounds gone.

    Deamon turn 4

    He charges his 2 bloodletters into my terradons. I hold. He moves his right unit of Fleshhounds with Herald toward my TG Rear. His bloodthirster gets closer, but no charge. His left fleshhounds charge my razerdons from the forest. No S&S they were too close.

    Magic: /

    Shooting: /

    Combat: His flesshounds get 2 wounds on a razerdon, I do 1 wound. I win by one, Instability but no wounds.
    His one fleshhound who is flank charged by my temple guards kills 2 and with 2 other saurus I get 1 wound.
    I win again, Instabilty gets him 1 more wound. A fleshhound gone but herald in Base to Base with my Temple Guards. His Bloodletters fail to kill any terradon and mine kille both remaining.

    Lizardmen turn 5

    I move my Terradons infront of his right fleshhounds unit with Herald. Their middle directly away from my Temple Guard block. I turn my Cold Ones facing his unit of Fleshhounds.
    I move my EoTG right next to my TG.

    Magic: Burning Alignment. Kills another Hound.
    Drain Life kills a Hound that are in combat with my razerdons.

    Shooting: Terradons unleash their javalins. No kills

    Combat: His Herald kills 4 TG. I win Combat resolution. No problems with instability.

    Deamon turn 5

    He Charges his Bloodthirster in the flank of my TG block. His right unit of fleshhounds with herald charge my terradons. I flee with them, he pursuits and catches them but right in sight my CoR.


    Shooting: /

    Combat: Bloodthirster kills 6 TG and Herald kills none. I have 5 more TG remaining. My slann gets in B2B contact with his thirster. He smells Frog Leggs. ItP and Stubborn rocks here. His Fleshhounds kill a razerdon
    but they Hold

    Lizardmen Turn 6

    My EotG charges his Herald in the flank. My CoR charge his other unit with Herald.
    Chams stay in the forest.

    Magic. I steal a wound of his Greater Deamon.
    Burning Alignment does another 3 wounds... the Deamon Stands with 1 Wound left....
    It also kills his Fleshhounds which are in contact with my razerdons.
    Together with his Herald who dies too by the mighty Old Ones Lazer.
    Drain Life does nothing.. damn 6's to wound.

    Shooting: /

    Combat: My Cold Ones and Scar Vet kill a fleshhounds. He rolls bad on isntability test and loses another 2 Hounds. His Herald gets in B2B contact with my unit. I challange with my slann.(7Wounds by now)
    His Greater deamon gets 2 wounds past my Ward Save.

    Deamon turn 6

    Movement: /

    Magic: /


    Combat: His Herald Challanges my scar-vet. I must challange... He Killing Blows my dear Scar-Vet.
    I lose CR but they decide to stay. His Greater Deamon gets 4 Wounds on my slann. I save... None!!!!
    My slann stands with 1 wound left !!. Slann 1 wound.. Greater Deamon 1 wound....

    End Result: 395pts diffrence in favor of the Lizardmen: A Minor Victory.

    Terradons are great... They flew around, killing Furies, shooting at his army, kill hounds with rocks.. avoiding charges on my TG block..
    Slann: My magic wasn't really great, beside his standerd of sudnering all his units had Magic Resisitance which made it hard for spells to come through. If I had one more turn I'm sure I had killed his Greater Deamon with my Engine + slann spells.
    Saurus Spear Blocks: Did what they had to do. Protect my TG's flanks and hold the enemy. Which 1 unit actually did.
    Razerdons: Could have done better but could have done worse. I'm not yet convinced of their strenght but i'm going to keep using them.
    Chameleons and my skink cohort were the usual annoyance.
    Most Important Unit of the game was definatly my EoTG... Burning alignment totally rocks.
    Together with the Stegadons Strenght in CC its a great hero to have.

    I asked my opponent why he waited so long to get his Bloodthirster and Hounds into combat.
    He said he was afraid of my EoTG and the damage it could do together with my slann.
    He was trying to get his Bloodcursher into combat with my EoTG to try Kill the priest on top.
    When that failed he wanted to wait as long as possible to try kill my slann.

    Hope you enjoyed the Battle report.
    Comments are welcome.
  2. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Sounds like an awesome game!

    Just one reminder that it seems you cast a spell when u were base 2 base with a model by the mage priest, i thought that you couldnt do that?
  3. Gannon

    Gannon New Member

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    I though that you couldn't cast magic missiles when you are in combat. Portant of Far isn't a magic missile.

    I would be wrong. But my opponent let me do it. And he's far more experienced then I am.
  4. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    its no biggy, yes you can when your unit is i close combat, so long as the slaan is not base to base with some1
  5. sirhuma
    Jungle Swarm

    sirhuma New Member

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    That was a great battle report.
  6. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Nice report and gg! hounds can be a real pain but you caught that fish with your bare hands :meh:
    Amazed that he didn't go in CC with his thirster earlier though.. as a deamon player you would whant him in CC as fast s possible...
  7. Gannon

    Gannon New Member

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    Yea I'ld thought that too untill I saw what my Magic fase did to him. I would have killed the thirster in 2 fases with EoTG and Slann magic... So maybe he did what was right.. ^_^
  8. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Now the only question is why no one likes to comment on my reports :D
  9. Azactoth

    Azactoth New Member

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    rod of storms and cupped hand... the both are arcane items aren't they ?
  10. Gannon

    Gannon New Member

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    yea I figured that out later, I'm gonna give my EoTG War drums and plaque and an extra DScr on my slann
  11. kkboy

    kkboy Member

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    love your fighting style, totally a fan of terradons myself
  12. Hodges
    Jungle Swarm

    Hodges New Member

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    Did you use the Rod in this game? I didnt pick it up in the report. Unless im blind... o_O

    Good win though, the Slann just managing to hold on at the end. How have the chameleon skinks gone for you in other games? Think they are worth the extra points over regular skirmishing skinks?
  13. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Meh, its debateble....

  14. IsawaShori

    IsawaShori New Member

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    A very good report. I was encouraged to see how well you did against demons. How do you think your army would fare against more of the magic oriented demonic armies, i.e. Tzeentch and Slaanesh?
  15. skink375

    skink375 New Member

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    Great battle and very well recorded. Thanks. Sorry to be that guy but with your skink priest you had 1 too many spells, the priest only counts as a lvl 3 for power dice and dispel dice, not for spell selection. Other wise great game very entertaining read. * Sorry for reviving dead topic * didn't realize the date until after comment *

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