8th Ed. 1st time against chaos warriors 1600 match

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Lizard-man87, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. Lizard-man87

    Lizard-man87 New Member

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    First match facing the warriors this week, my opponent I believe is bringing a monster heavy list. I already plan to take a range of skinks to face these.

    Is it worth taking some skrox units also?

    What else would you all recommend? And an ideal lore for the occasion, metal/fire? Due to the low points I am planing on running a solo slann. Considering the following at the minute:

    saurus horde
    Scar vet (cold or carnasour) unsure on this
    Skink skirmishers
    Skink priest

    Any thoughts would be great!
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    If you are expecting lots of monsters I'd say take a Carnosaur and Ancient Stegadon with sharpened horns.

    I wouldn't advise taking Skroxigor. Now that the Kroxigor can be targeted individually it's very risky to field Skrox against the Warriors of Chaos, ESPECIALLY the monsters.

    A Bastiladon would be good if you plan to put the bound spell through it's paces but the initiative buff and the monster itself probably won't do much against an army as elite as WoC.

    Note, I've lost all my games versus the WoC so take my advice with a grain of salt and I haven't played them with the new book at all yet.
  3. Dog On Todd

    Dog On Todd Member

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    I'm playing them for the first time with the new book next week, and I'm definitely eying up Caneghem's Oldblood on a carpet build as a wildcard.

    I think impact hits and poison are definitely the route to go. Not sure how swarms might match up? I don't think I can fit a swarm.. swarm.. and engine in my list
  4. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Warriors of Chaos is a very tough army/matchup, so be prepared for a tough battle.

    Saurus will be outperformed by Chaos Warriors, so you need to whittle them down first.
    Skinks can deal with monsters pretty well, and can redirect the scary stuff away for a turn.

    And while Skroxigor may not be the answer to WoC, I think Kroxigor are. A decent sized unit of 6 will leave a dent in anything they will attack, even daemon princes. Make sure you protect them a bit though, as they aren't very durable.

    Salamanders are also pretty good for thinning out the Warriors. Stegadons are great for Multiwounding Impact hits.

    The Slann is surprisingly vulnerable vs WoC, as they have many fast hard-hitting units that can get to TG or soloslann very rapidly. Protect him well!
    An Old-blood on a Cold-one with dawnstone, Armour of destiny and a GW will do well vs scary monsters.

    It depends on what your plan is, sit back and rely on magic support? Or try to take the fight to them...
    Ad 1600 points, the Slann is a very very big investment. I'd go with the Old-blood myself.

    You need a good mix of Saurus, skinks, krox, salamanders and stegadons; combine these with a lord (and a plan that fits the lord)...add a pinch of luck. And there you have it!

    Quick list I made:
    Old-blood - CO, Armour of Destiny, Dawnstone, GW

    Scar-vet - BSB, shield
    Skink pirest - Dispell scroll, level 2 (Heavens)

    25 Saurus Warriors - Mu, St Hw/Sh
    10 skink skirmishers - Javeling/Sh
    10 Skink skirmishers

    6 kroxigor

    1 ancient steg- Sharpened horns
    1 salamander extra snack

    You now have 40 points to spare, to protect your BSB with something.

    You have a decent sized block of Saurus with your BSB. 2 solid hammers with the krox and Steg (they need help from your BSB/General though. An 'unkillable' old-blood and some skinks running around. This is the list I would play with at 1600 points vs WoC.

    Good luck!
    The Hunted
  5. Lizard-man87

    Lizard-man87 New Member

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    Thanks all for the detailed replies. I was thinking on the lines of kroxigor to punch a whole as a hopeful flanking unit. I know the slann is expensive but with lore of fire the potential to dish out some cheap casting value DD spells to whittle the warriors and nasty units down before contact.

    What do you think to that? Still too expensive?

    CoC worth taking a small contingent?
  6. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    The Slann is certainly viable, with any lore basically. But it doesn't matter versus what opponent, a Slann at 1600 points is a big investment. I like troops over characters, but that's just the way I play. If you can make a Slann work, with less bodies on the battlefield, then go right ahead :)

    Lore choice...is hard. Fire is good for blasting obviously, but Metal and Shadow are also very potent. Wandering Deliberations is always solid. So I guess this boils down to what you like to play with.
    Blasting? Buffing? Debuffing?

    Our Knights aren't feasible vs WoC on any level, I'm afraid. SCOR work best versus 'human' infantry (WS3/4, T3, S3). And WoC have lots of high strenght attacks. You will have a hard time dealing any real damage to their units, while they take a heavy toll on yours.
    At least Kroxigor leave a big dent in what they touch :p

    In the end, it's all your decision. We're just here to help you make one :)

    The Hunted
  7. Dog On Todd

    Dog On Todd Member

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    Ripperdactyl's Initiative 3, will this strike at the same time or before any of WoC multi-wound units?

    I don't know their book at all :oops:
  8. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    WoC generally have high Initiative. So Warriors and marauders will be faster.
    However, at I3, you will be faster than:
    Chaos Spawn
    the juggernaut from the skullcrushers (not the guy on top)
    Chaos Ogres
    Chaos Trolls
    Dragon Ogres
    The Gorebeast itself from the Gorebeast chariot (Charioteers are faster than you)

    And you will be just as fast as:
    Chaos Warhounds
    Chaos Steeds
    Chaos Giant
    Mutalith Vortex Beast

    I can't see why you want your rippers to charge into a multiwound unit though..? I know they are a suicide unit, but even for a suicide unit it's foolish.

    However, there you have it. You can find this information in the back of the BRB too.

    The Hunted
  9. Dog On Todd

    Dog On Todd Member

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    The BRB has been updated with new units?

    And I misread. Thought rippers had heroic killing blow. Back to the drawing board!
  10. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    If you're intending to use Kroxigor to hunt Daemon Princes, just bare in mind that they'll be hitting a normal Prince on 5s, and a Nurgle Prince on 6s.
  11. rantapanda

    rantapanda Member

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    Its really awesome to see an oldblood take down a deamon in a duel.
    Hook him up with a cold one, great weapon, armour of destiny, dawnstone and the other tricksters shard and off u go.
  12. Dog On Todd

    Dog On Todd Member

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    A) Ancient Steg
    B) Krox block
    C) piranha or GW Oldblood

    to support a Saurus block with beasts priest against WoC?

    If Oldblood

    1. Cold One, GW, Armor of Destiny, Dawnstone
    2. Cold One, Glittering Scales, Dawnstone, Piranha Blade
    3. Talisman of pres, glittering, dawnstone, gw, Cold One

    This guy would be running solo, so the ward save seems necessary. This also makes the multiwounds from piranha more tempting as well to create more wounds, but GW allows more defense, and will punch a hole for sure.

    Thanks for your thoughts :D
  13. Arraine

    Arraine New Member

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    If you do decide to bring a slann I find he works best with Wandering Deliberations. It gives you everything from strong missiles/damage spells to some very handy buffs and debuffs. However a nice, cheap alternative for me are two lvl 1 skink priests with lore of beasts. You are bound to get at least 1 Wyssans off which helps a unit of saurus a lot.

    Swarms are very nice supports to anything really. Instant wound on a 6 is great (especially when they babysit saurus where you get 20+ attacks)

    Razor standard works well as WoC have a pretty decent armour save.
  14. Ejr1216
    Jungle Swarm

    Ejr1216 New Member

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    Heads up woc units will crush ours with no problem

    Skinks are only good as chaff
    -warriors get a 4 up save
    -knights/juggernaughts get a 2+
    -Chimera will have a 4+4+regen
    -demon prince can be anywhere from 2-5+/5+
    -hell cannon will have a 4+5+

    This is the standard woc units

    Sally vs woc is a must
    Str 4 is going to cut the core up even thou warriors are t4.
    Don't waste time going after the knights/monsters since they are either tough as bricks or have a great armor save

    Saurus warriors
    Only good if you buff with ww. If you are fighting MoN army only engage when you can multi charge

    Skeps unit
    Okay unit but warriors will chop them up fast

    Maybe to drop rocks on dogs and misdirect but don't go into a hellcannon with them.

    A must have, I would get 2 with blowpipes

    Good luck.

    FYI I've won several tournaments as a woc player.

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