8th Ed. Questions from a noob: Part 6 - new questions

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Pinktaco, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 2

    Does this mean the enemy unit that is taken by surprise has to take 2 leadership tests in order to hold? 1 for the panic (fleeing friendlies coming through) and 1 from the terrifying Bastiladon?
    What I'm trying to say: 2 leadership tests in 1 phase->allowed?

    The Hunted
  2. RipperDerek

    RipperDerek Active Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 2

    The rule is that you never have to take 2 panic tests in the same phase, not 2 leadership tests.

    However, I looked up the rules just now, and I was indeed wrong: the BRB says terror counts as a panic test. So the panic rule applies after all, and you only have to test the once to prove your courage.
  3. Choombatta

    Choombatta New Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 2

    Here is the order that would happen in:

    1st-Your opponent makes his flee roll from losing combat resolution.
    2nd-You make your pursuit roll. (Since it was higher than your opponents roll, we continue with rules as "caught")
    3rd-Remove opponent's unit that lost combat.
    4th- Move your unit forward than distance rolled.
    5th-If this brings you into contact with another enemy unit, it counts as charging in the following turn, unless it is already in a combat that has not fought this turn, then it gets a 2nd round this turn ).

    Since the 2nd enemy unit is caught off guard, it does not have to make a Terror roll ( or Fear ), and can only "hold".
    Since the 1st enemy unit never actually moved, it does not cause a panic test to any units it may have fled through if it did move, although all of your opponent's units within 6" would have to test for panic due to his unit breaking from combat.
  4. Lord Frosk

    Lord Frosk New Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 2

    Just have to add that rippers can never make a Flee! reaction since they have frenzy, wich means they are immune to psychology. (p.70-71 SRB)
  5. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 2

    They were broken in combat (for whatever reason they didn't die lol).
  6. Lord Frosk

    Lord Frosk New Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 2

    ah okay I see :)
  7. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 2

    Wouldn't it be more like:

    1 - enemy flees (pistoliers).
    2 - I persuit (bastiladon) and the enemy unit (pistoliers) run behind the other unit (knights) (due to flee route).
    3 - Since the pistoliers ran through the knights they'll have to take a panic test.

    Followed by:

    4a - if knight panics and flee Bastiladon can overrun the pistoliers.
    4b - if knights doesn't flee they'll be charged by the Bastiladon.

    What you said would make the Bastiladon run faster than the pistoliers and thus overrun them, but that is not how I see the persuit work (the fleeing unit gets overrun because they cannot run anymore and not due to their speed).

    With that said I've been having a hard time finding the amount of dice for monsters in terms of charge/persuit/flee. I've looked in the book and didn't learn anything and my friend and I have sort of guessed (3 dice for steg and two for bast) but we might be completely wrong about this lol.
  8. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 2

    It works as he said, i think it's because the dice also shows an idea of their run speed (basically GW wanted it to work like that and made the rules like that :p).

    About the charge, monsters do not have swiftstride otherwise it'd say so in the BRB, meaning that neither the Stegadon nor the Bastiladon uses 3 dice, but has to settle for 2.

    The advantage of the stegadon here is offcourse that when charging you get another 2" which really makes for a great difference, averaging about 13" instead of 11".

    All units have a base charge dice total of 2d6, 3d6 are only gained by possesing the swiftstride rule.

    Hope my explanation is understandable ^^
  9. sirkently
    Cold One

    sirkently Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 2

    You seem to be using a couple of terms interchangeably here. If you charge someone and they run, it is called a flee reaction. If you beat someone in combat and they run, it is said that they broke form combat (break test).

    Now for a break test which is what you seem to be describing, the unit that broke doesn't move unless it rolls higher than the unit pursuing. If it rolls less, it is destroyed on the spot and would never end up behind another unit. You can overrun into another combat if your pursuit roll is high enough to take you into another unit.

    If the unit rolled higher and got away, then anything within 6" would need to take a panic check (actually everthing needs to whether they get away or not, except those that are immune to psychology), as well as any unit they might run through. And you can only force one panic check a turn, so a terror causer that overruns into the unit that passed its panic check would not have to take another.
  10. 0ccisor
    Jungle Swarm

    0ccisor New Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 2

    Is this right? My understanding is that you roll the flee movement then move the unit - if it flees through a unit of it's own it bounces behind the friendly unit and ends up even further away. You then carry on declaring charges - once that is doen you then go on and roll charge distances - but now the original unit cannot be caught, the same as when you flee through impassable terrain, you can redirect into the unit behind with a leadership test otherwise you have to stop one inch away, The only time you test immediatly to check if you catch and destroy the unti is when you break in combat - but if you voluntarily flee from a charge through one of your units you can't be caught.
  11. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 2

    I realize that now. I looked it up in the book after I wrote that. :)


    I was a little fast there and didn't read all of your post. However after having written my previous questions I decided to have a second look in the book and you're right about both things.
  12. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 2

    Does a steam tank have any stomp? Personally I'd say no, but it's a large target so you never know <.<
  13. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 2

    Steam Tanks do not have a Stomp attack. They are not Monsters, so they get no Thunderstomp. They are not Monstrous Beasts, Monstrous Infantry or Monstrous Cavalry and thus have no Stomp. The Steam Tank is a Chariot, with many special rules but still a Chariot and so it has no stomp of any kind.

    Please keep asking your questions, they're good ones and informative to other players as well.
  14. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 2

    Thanks for the reply.

    I got another game this wednesday so there might be more questions afterwards. :)
  15. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 2

    If I were to field a skink priest how would the best way be? Can he be fielded alone without being bunkered in a skink unit?
  16. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 2

    he can, but keep him protected in some way or another.

    Mince usually run free in this way, resulting in several eagles trying to hunt them down, at which point they flee into the nearest safe unit.
  17. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 3

    PART 3

    Had another game today with more questions, some of them are getting more complex so they're harder to read from the book.

    - Do you reroll a reroll with Curse of the Midnight Wind (Heaven Lore)? How about predatory fighter? It is generated in the To Hit phase, but is not an actual To Hit attempt so do I reroll that too?

    - Can a mage wear heavy armour? - What I mean is: can you put a mage on a horse with barding and equip it to have something like 2+ Amour Save?

    - Do the warmachine take a panic test if it loses 1/3 of its crew due to shooting?

    - Is stomp based on the units unmodified strenght which would result in S5 from kroxigors?

    - The scout deployment rules just mention your own deployment zone and the "battlefield", does this mean that you cannot deploy in your opponenets zone (just making sure here).

    - Can the Charmed Shield deflect a cannon ball? If yes how do I explain this to my friend since it doesn't really roll for To Hit?

    - Here's a longer one - how do you resolve the following:

    4 inner circle knights charges your etheral slann and basically does nothing to him. In the following round 4 kroxigors charges the IC knights in the front. The Kroxigors then proceed to kill all, but one IC knight and the slann does jack shit with his skink. IC knight doesn't break.

    Following round an annoying empire hero on pegasus charges the slann in the front. Right, so now it gets messy IMO because of the following: Kroxigors kill the last standing IC knight, however, what happens now? The kroxigors charged the knights who are now dead, however before they died a hero joined in on the battle. Are they considered to be in combat with the hero too? Mind you they aren't currently in Base to Base contact with him. Or are they now free to do whatever they want (charge the hero or something like that). If they are still considered to be in combat with the hero does he then move up so that the maximum amount of units can hit him, meaning something like one krox and the slann?

    If it's unclear what I mean I'll try and draw something in paint and upload.
  18. RipperDerek

    RipperDerek Active Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 3

    - You never reroll a reroll. If you roll a natural 6, Curse makes you reroll it, and then the result stands. After you are done rolling to hit, each standing 6 will generate an additional attack off Predatory Fighter. If one of those new attacks rolls a 6, that die will have to be rerolled due to the curse.

    - Mages cannot usually wear armor. You can download Army Builder for free and test out different kits, it is usually pretty accurate about what is allowed. Just be aware that it will sometimes show misleading armor save values for units with 2 handed weapons, such as halberds, and also shields; they can't use both in close combat, but they still get the +1 AS versus shooting. The armor save value Army Builder displays in these cases is the value versus shooting.

    - Yes, warmachine crews take panic tests due to shooting. However, they don't flee if they fail, they cower under their warmachine and refuse to shoot instead.

    - Yes, Stomp goes off of base strength.

    - You can deploy them in your opponents zone, if you can find an appropriate spot.

    - Yes, the Charmed Shield can deflect cannonballs. It doesn't negate the first thing that rolls to hit you, it negates the first thing that hits you. It's true that the cannonball hits automatically, but it still registers a hit, followed by a roll to wound. The way the Charmed Shield works, after the first hit is registered (automatically or otherwise), the person with the Charmed Shield rolls a die. If he rolls anything but a 1, that hit (whatever it was) is discarded.

    - Once all units they are in base-to-base with have been vanquished, the Krox are out of combat and can do as they please. (p61 under Multiple Combats - No More Foes)
  19. Prof

    Prof Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 2

    Watch out for those steamtank impact hits!

    loving the questions and answers - really useful reading :D
  20. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Questions from a noob: Part 2

    Can you maybe explain how the impact hit on the tank works? My friend always manages to get an insane amount of dice and I'm not entirely sure I understand how lol.

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