I got a few models from the Reaper Kickstarter. I figured a human Beast mage shapechanging would be all hairy and clawed, but that Skink Priests would develop Snake aspects. I got a snake man model I plan to use as a Skink Priest. I figured this could be symbolic of Savage Beast of Horros. Do you think the model will work as is or I should try to convert something to make it more Skink-like? (like maybe removing the bow and quiver?) For comparison is my vanilla Beast caste Skink Priest.
One of my friends did this with that same skink model on the left. I don't think the conversion itself is very difficult and it looks nice. http://instagram.com/p/dSjN7qhG_5/#
mabye add some headwear (fins, horns or spikes) or a a feathered headress, yes get rid of the bow and quiver. do you plan on painting him the same a your skink priest?
A skink's crest on the snake's head would probably go a long way to adding convincing similarities. I may have to steal your idea with my own Reaper kit.
That's the plan, all of my Salamander/Razordon handlers, Stegadon/Bastliadon riders, Terradon riders, and the like are all dark green with dark red crests. To keep my beast caste Skinks motif going, my lore of Beast Skink Priests are all going to share the same color scheme. I figured I’d use the same base colors for my Snake man. I got a small stash of feather bits but I don’t know if I can make a whole convincing headdress. I got a few spike as well. A crest is a good idea will be easy to do. Since I’m making a lot of Skink zombies I’m accumulating lots of random Skink parts.
Definitely agree on adding the crest to the snake's head. Might I suggest replacing one of his weapons with a staff instead? That way he will still show some of his caster-like affiliation. Or going even further to add another arm holding a staff? After all, Savage Beast of Horrors gives the model +3 attacks, right? Edit: Or is it +2?
I agree with removing the quiver and adding a crest. I think the crest especally will make the model pop. While I think adding a staff/want could be interesting, I'm not sure it would work the best with the model. If anything I would go with a want in the left hand.
For a minor upgrade I have removed the quiver and have harvested a big crest from a Skink zombie but I'm having trouble attaching the crest. The extra arm idea is good, I'll go look through my bits boxes to see if I have something fitting. A regular Skink arm would be too small me thinks. To go for an arm with a staff I'll start with standard bearer arms and see what works there.
What about a thin roll of greenstuff along each side of the crest, smoothed out to hold it in place? I happen to have that model and no plans for it. If you don't find a bit that fits your vision I could part with an arm, or even the whole model.