Army Fluff Itza Chaq Khanx -the Prophet of Destruction

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Sealterbloind, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. Sealterbloind
    Cold One

    Sealterbloind Active Member

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    Hi all! I'm pretty nervous to show anyone my writings (especially in English), but I decided to put here this little fluff I wrote for my own special character Itza Chaq Khanx.. ^^" Hopefully this gives a better picture of my character (whose pictures I put in my paint log). Hope you like both, the writing and the pictures :) Oh and please let me know if the colored text is too heavy to read so I can change it :S

    Itza Chaq Khanx
    the Prophet of Destruction

    Skink Priests of Tlaxtlan tell that when this First Dark One spawned on to this world, one of the most outrageous storms roamed above Lustria's lush jungles, tearing up trees and forced even the most fierce beasts to look for shelter. It was the night when the most respected Skink, Tetto'eko, had fortelled that the Chaos Moon were going to block the first moon's silvery shine behind it's malformed silhouette, bringing something very bad with it's unpleasant unnatural sheen.

    And so it happened.

    At the very moment the Chaos Moon took over the night's black canvas, the storm got even worse, and black massive stormclouds started to spit their lightning nearly nonstop. This was the moment, when a little unusual shine made it's way through the surface from depths of the Spawn-Pools of Sentinel. The shine got brighter, and the pool's water started to bubble. Something was rising from the sacred depths.

    The thunder and lightnings increased, and when the storm was at it's worst, an oddly shaped figure broke through the surface and took it's very first breath in this world. And suddenly, only seconds after, the storm calmed to a soft rain. It was when Itza Chaq Khanx took his first glimpse at the night sky, where both of the moons stood quietly next to each other.

    Adohi Tehga, Tlaxtlan's wise Mage Priest, snapped out from his meditative state to give an urgent command to his Skink attendants. Adohi Tehga told them to go with two of his Temple Guards to the Spawn-Pools of Sentinel, and bring anything unusual to him. His attendants were a little confused, but they obeyed their master without questioning his orders. And when they saw this dark Saurus with his over-sized crest they thought there was something terribly wrong in him.

    Temple Guards carried this newly spawned to Adohi's temple where also Tetto'eko had come to see this unnatural being. Both of them were shocked to see that big crested Saurus, who had a very strange aura surrounding him, and a little golden ball in his hands, which looked like Old One's technology. Adohi asked him to turn around and show the back of his crest. There was a white scar-like mark, which made Adohi a little anxious, but before he had said enything, Tetto'eko pointed his finger on this dark spawning and said:
    ”He is the bringer of destruction, the First Dark One! He shouldn't be here! Those spawn-pools haven't produced a single spawning in over 2000 years! The forces of Chaos must be behind this unnatural hideous creature! We should banish him!...”
    Adohi Tehga raised his hand and said loudly: ”Enough. That's something I decide”. He decoded the mark behind the crest of this dark Saurus and continued:
    ”It's true he's the doom's foreteller and somehow connected to the Chaos, but he's still part of Old Ones Great Plan. He has got his blessing from our avenger, Xapati, so he has the right to stay... However... He has to stay out of the city... The Spawn-Pools of the Sentinel and the Floating Gardens of Lost Xholankha are the only places here in Tlaxtlan you can go.”
    After saying that, Adohi Tehga withdrew to his chamber to continue his meditating. Before the Chief Astromancer of the Temple of Eclipse left this new Prophet of Destruction to Skink attendants to deal with, he looked into his skyblue eyes and said:
    ”Itza Chaq Khanx, I shall never fight beside you. Take care that I will not see you after this day.”

    When Itza Chaq Khanx returned to the spawn-pools, he has become an outcast in his own race. Yet still he relied on the thought he was part of the Great Plan as much as any other Lizardmen and found his peace from there. He was now left to deal with the abilities he had been given in those dim waters, and the whispered knowledge of the souls of his fellow Lizardmen who has already passed away. One day he might save Lizardmen from a new great catasrophe or danger with his gift of seeing future's bad happenings.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Pretty impressive writing. Especially since English isn't your first language.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  3. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    My first impression was, "What has Sealterbloind done with her lovely avatar?" I was happy you still kept your pale Slann for your signature.

    Itza Chaq Khanx has got some big things coming up in his destiny. He is definitely my kind of character - breaks all the rules of expectations. Someone like that can do anything!

    The model is beautiful and wrong at the same time. (You should edit the image into your fluff post) If only I had come up with a saurus with a stick up his bum first.

    I was thinking the other day that you should do some art for the fluff section. Your lizards make Bob and Joe look like stick figures. I hope you find the time to put pencil to paper in future.

    In short, I would like to say, MORE! More fluff, more modelling and more art.

    Paradoxical Pacifism and Warden like this.
  4. Sealterbloind
    Cold One

    Sealterbloind Active Member

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    Thanks for all compliments. ^^" I have few bigger ongoing WH- art projects, but I've been busy lately :p Next I'm going to paint my Troglodon and Chakax (my two favorite models), so stay tuned! ;)
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Warden like this.

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