8th Ed. How do you explain A-steg 4D6 Giant Blowpipe rule to others?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Pinktaco, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. PlasmaDavid

    PlasmaDavid Active Member

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    Re: How do you explain A-steg 4D6 Giant Blowpipe rule to oth

    Yeah, I'll +1 you've just got an awkward, stubborn friend.

    I myself once had to play a game against a friend who was playing Imperial Guard and wanted to call his Centaur artillery tractors Chimeras. He had two unused Chimeras sitting in his army box next to the table. :rolleyes:
  2. Lizardmen_Jeff

    Lizardmen_Jeff New Member

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    Re: How do you explain A-steg 4D6 Giant Blowpipe rule to oth

    Yeah sounds like you just have a stubbourn friend! the previous book did make a lot of things clearer and im not sure why gw didnt transition stuff like that over but they do what they do. i doubt anything short of a gw intervention will convince him but its nice that hes willing to drop the argument in the mean time. but yeah, the book seems pretty clear to me, each blowpipe does 2d6 and there are two blowpipes!
  3. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: How do you explain A-steg 4D6 Giant Blowpipe rule to oth

    I asked on the empire forum and all except one appeared to agree with me. Well all actually, the one who didn't just sort of questioned the rule so yeah..

    We'll have to see tonight how it goes. It's our first time playing lizz vs wood nubz and I'll be bringing 2 ancient stegs so maybe he'll hate me later lol.
  4. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    Re: How do you explain A-steg 4D6 Giant Blowpipe rule to oth

    The real question is, why did you ever shoot with them?
    4D6 shoots looks good, but with multiple shots rule (-1 to hit), 18" range (-1 to hit for ranges beyond 9") and movement at -1 to hit, it's rare to hit on anything better than a 6.
    Average is 14 shots, hitting and auto wounding on a 6.
    ~2 wounds.

    And, you're either standing still trading fire with an empire army, or walking within 9".
    I can honestly say I've only every fired giant blowguns once, just about every other time you're better off charging or marching. (the one shot I took I failed my march block test).
    Seriously, the ancient as the same firepower as 50 points of skinks. I don't hear anybody getting all excited about the firepower of 1 unit of 10 skinks.

    Rather than argue how the blowpipes work, do what the old ones intended. Sharpen the horns and get into combat.

  5. hardyworld

    hardyworld Active Member

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    Re: How do you explain A-steg 4D6 Giant Blowpipe rule to oth

    I thought you couldn't shoot if you fail march block test. Maybe I'm thinking old 7th (6th?) Edition rules.

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