Hello fellow Lustrians, I just finished painting my Oldblood and I am super excited to share him with you all. He has been a BEAST on the table and can't wait to use him now that he is finished. Keep rockin' Div
Only have 1 critique the colgate smile he is a lizard.. he just ate a guy a moment ago.. Other than that.. 100% pure awesomeness.. So much detail very very nice
Thanks everyone! @ Ninu - It's already been fixed =). Sometimes when I get excited to finish a model I rush things, and the teeth were definitely one of them.
Truly impressive paint job, I love the contrasty cartoonish feel. I wish you had uploaded more pictures of it! What set up are you running on him?
@Ondjage He's been running 1+ armor save, 4+ ward save, stubborn and a great weapon. Big meanies can't stomp on him and he beats up people with 5 str 7 Predatory Fighter attacks!
Sure! Even though he is not modeled this way, this is usually what I run him with: Great weapon, Dragon Helm, Talisman of Preservation, Crown of Command, Cold One He's got the 2+ ward vs flaming for units with flaming attacks or Kdaii. Stubborn cold blooded 8 means he can hold up some pretty mean stuff for a while. I usually go with the 4+ ward over rerollable armor save to save myself from Killing Blow or a random cannon and 5 str 7 can put a dent in almost anything.
What an awesome looking model! Your painting job on this guy is awesome! I might have to steal your build too or at least something close to it