Jungle poisons you mean? Units that have "jungle poisons" in their special rules have poisoned ranged attacks.
Just look for poison, not jungle or anything. I can't give you a page reference because I have the big book, it should be somewhere in the special rules section.
the problem is: or it isnt in it or i cant find it. but i look thousend times so someone cant post it?
No because it is GW IP. It is page 95 of the big rulebook, look for the section in the index just after warmachines called special rules. If you reach magic, you have gone a little bit too far. The Special rules page starts with Always Strikes First and Breath Weapon, they are in alphabetical order.
The rulings for Poisoned Attacks, in the Battle to skull pass is on the same page as the Bigger rule book. Go to Page 95 of Battle to Skull Pass rule book.
Just in case you don't find it or you haven't already I'll give you the basics here. Basically poisoned weapons mean when rolling to hit any rolls of a six count as an automatic wound (so you don't need to wound you just go straight to armour saves ) But if due to any modifiers (mark of nurgle, enemy is in cover Etc) that would mean you need to roll over a 6 causes poison to stop working (you have to roll to wound as normal) Hope this Helps, Bez