New to lizardmen

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Stuaker, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Stuaker
    Jungle Swarm

    Stuaker New Member

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    Hi! My names stuart, i go into warhammer back in 2002 with dark elves. I stopped playing in 2005 as i moved to new zealand. I've recently got back into it, and in the course of looking for cheap and second hand units for my dark elves and tyranids found a bargain lizardmen lot. I've loved the lustrians since their relaunch in 2003, but couldnt justify another army until i saw this bargain!
    Anyway, as i said ive been out of the hobby a while and ive never played lizardmen. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated, espcially places i can get an idea for an army theme, and tactics i can use with my limited model set until i can justify buying more. I've currently got;
    8 cold one riders
    39 saurus
    23 skinks
    Salamander and crew

    I also have some of the older static models - i think 14 kroxigor and 31 skinks with the obsolete bows

    Thanks, looking forward to being part of the lizardmen empire!
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forum!

    Feel free to peruse the Tactica Index to get you started on gaming. I shamelessly plug it in my signature at every opportunity.

    A lot of people use archer Skinks for Cohorts since they are cheap and Warhammer Fantasy doesn't have strict What You See Is What You get rules. They are relatively easy to convert with javelin bits from the newer Skink regiment boxes. I starting copying this conversion myself but since I have 100+ Skink archers I'm not going crazy with it. That's as good as a segue as any to recommend going to the painting forum for inspiration and critiques.

    Check out our fluff subforum too. Spawning of Bob's work needs lots of love. Also he and N810 help make custom Avatars for people.
  3. Stuaker
    Jungle Swarm

    Stuaker New Member

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    Thanks for the pointers! I will make sure to have a read. I think i might have enough javelins spare to convert them that way, i'll have to see... If not that link is going to be very helpful!

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