8th Ed. What do you think about this unit?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Man0waR, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    Last night just trying to make a troll army list (not with troll models, im lizard, just troll player) just to play some fluff games for the fun.

    When I came up with the next idea.

    4 to 6 Kroxigor Unit with champion. In 2x2 or 3x3.
    1 to 2 cowboys (one at each side of the unit).

    As you could join the characters to the unit, later in game, rather than stick to them in deploy. You could hide your massive hammer intention just to show it when it is too late to react.

    With the following builds you could achieve great results.
    Cowboy w/ sword of +1 to hit; Potion of Strength; Opal Amulet (4+ ward to first wound); shield;light armour
    Cowboy w/ crown of command; LuckStone; Dragonhelm; great weapon; light armour;

    So once you get into CC you could challenge with your Kroxigor champion, who could whreck their champion/hero (+50 VP if it kills a hero) getting nice combat resolution due to 4 PF attacks + 1 Stomp. And using the rest of the attacks to munch the enemy unit. Perhaps you can also target mague/bsb or some other weak but worthy in points models.

    With the cowbows inside the unit you could assign some low BS shots to them in order to prevent silly wounds on the Krox. Also assign 2 impact hits done to the unit to be tanked by your T5 1+AS models. The same with direct damage and so on.

    Needless to say the bad points, cuz it is bad whatever you do... cannons & initiative test.

    I will try next battle and see how it works. Any thoughts on this unit?
  2. rantapanda

    rantapanda Member

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    hmm ium not really loving it too much. ud need to define what are u using it against. dont really see it working against any randomgenerated army of any race, except wood elves maybe. kroxies are pretty much one trick ponies. but if u want to play for fun then why not :) do tell after ur game how it worked
  3. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    Its not a deathstar tactic/strategy.

    You will not deploy all together by the beginning of the battle the krox + cowboy/s.

    Its situational, as I face too much WoC and dealing with their 1+AS MC and Cavalry and at least 1 Charriot

    I feel our saurus block can't face their elite and have a hard time against their infantry.

    The Kroxigors alone are just free VP since they have no chance to win any combat against MC or Cav due to high WS, high S and high A stats. Even with S7 the few wounds they deliver after a 5+ AS wont win the combat.

    And sending the cowboys alone (lose or tie by static CR) or inside a squishy unit (all our units vs MI and cav) that cant bring wounds back, seems to be losing anyway (or tie + lack of musician) or losing by too much that can even lose steadfast. I hate when a nearly immortal character runs and die due to be in a unit who got butchered.

    So thats it, in the previous turn of recieving the charge or doing it, you join the two cowboys to the Krox unit.

    If you are fighting infantry you challenge with the Krox champ and use your high WS cowboy attacks to get more CR against normal troops. This could outbalance any combat and winning a combat by far.
    (As some of the models b2b only with the Krox champ are wasted since it is on a challenge or must attack your nearly immortal cowboy also wasted attacks, so you are forcing them to target the heroes with at least 1/3 of their front)

    If you are fighting uber units like Skullcrushers. You challenge with the hero that ensures you wont take more than 1 wound. And maybe your hero could do more wounds with luck. Avoiding those bunch of attacks targeting free CR by hitting Krox and leaving you less attacks.
    Positioning here is key, so if you could set your non champion Krox only b2b with one enemy model, the unit will recieve less attacks and at the start of the ASL in the worst cases you only have lost the Krox Champion and maybe another Krox. Less wounds done to your unit, more attacks (obviously) and easier to win the fight.

    That is what I've thought. We dont have good MC as many other armies. But we could add too much power into our glass cannon MI that can destroy or decimate in 1 round most of the units in the game.(except maybe 4+ reg) If the unit has Ward save, one of the heroes could bring the OTS.

    Ill be trying this for sure.
  4. Dog On Todd

    Dog On Todd Member

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    I definitely think your opponent would take one look at that unit and dedicate whatever they can against it. Would have to join the cowboys turn two or 3 to deter too much hate.

    I like it though! Let us know how it does!
  5. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    what about fielding the Krox as a unit of 3 with champ and only fielding them 1 wide "conga line" style? The enemy would only be able to attack the scarvets and unit champ (if he's not in a challenge that is), so max of 3 wounds to the unit (champ) as excess wounds don't overflow into the RnF Krox.

    Also, don't forget those WoC unit champs have to issue (or is it just accept? I don't remember) challenges, so with a weight of s7 attacks from the scar vets/ krox you should be doing enough damage to be winning combat for at least the first few rounds...

    I see this as sort of along the lines of minotaur/Ogre character buses which can be quite effective if played right.
  6. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    I think you are right Deadgrass, its kinda about CR/wounds denial. But what i have in mind is not to tank it, its to deal 6 to 9 wounds in a single round of combat.

    And is a trick you could do once the game is on. Of course you could charge by separate, but this is risky since if you dont break the foe, Next turn Kroxies could get charged and giving free CR and losing the combat and it means your Cowboys could flee too.

    So in the said unit, if they flank charge you, they have to deal with the Cowboy, and if the unit it's now challenge free. You could challenge with the other flank cowboy and fight with the flanked b2b against the unit. No Krox wounds.

    WoC are forced to issue challenges and accept it. So if you dont challenge if its your turn, WoC player has to challenge. This is key in multiple combats, if you have to face some uber hero in unit, and there's some brave skink champion to give the live for the greater good... Wasting uber attacks in a 15 pt model. So if you could challenge first, you send the challenge with the unit that has the lowest point champ/hero.
    On the other hand, he could target the challenge to a unit where you dont want to afford losing a champ or hero.
  7. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Queue cheesy movie quote: It's Dread mon, truly dread....

    VS Chaos warriors with halberds, a 2x2 unit of krox with the champ in a challenge will take ~ an additional 4 wounds before striking, and will thus only have an additional 3 S7 attacks and 1 S5 stomp over my kroxi-dart, netting you just under an extra 2 wounds (less VS Nurgle or Tzeentch). It can be situational but I think I'd prefer the longevity of the unit over the slight boost in damage.

    All in all it's an idea I feel shows promise in either incarnation and with my current desire to tinker with my anti-armour line-up I think I'll be giving it a run as well. :D
  8. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    The purpose is to combat the 1+ AS where they stack too much attacks per model but they should be in b2b with that model. So denying the contact with troop and put the champion instead is a nice strategy.

    The target of this enforced krox + cowboy/s unit are the chaos chariots,chaos knights and the Skullcrushers.

    The infantry should not be a threat due to our msu chaff that can redirect them, or can be hold with a stubborn unit in range of general's LD bubble. Chaos Warriors have the lower M in their army so can be outmaneuvered, leaving for the last or set up a multicharge that ensure wiping out of the whole unit.

    Even a Saurus unit can stand against those hablerdiers of nurgle for one or two rounds.

    But Nurgle have One Weakness over Khorne or Slaanesh. Not being ItP seems to be a good deal to throw a SCarnosaur with bloodroar. Combine it with an Iceshard Blizzard to drop -1 to their LD and -1 to hit. And they should be checking Terror with 3d6 drop lowest at LD 8 (or 7 if previous turn you cast on them). If they success they have also to check fear with 3d6 drop lowest at least two round of combat at LD7. If they fail they will be hitting on 5's, with Iceshard blizzard on 6's.

    We have tools to face to face WoC, sadly we need to throw dice to boost our chances, and random to improve random cannot be trusted :p.
  9. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    TBH i don't know what will of chaos does, but unless it makes them immune to fear / provides fear they'd be running away by failing that roll, since the carnosaur causes terror, which calls for a panic test!

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