Sashu beat me to it. What I might do is drop the "naked" Skink Priest and the Braves, add BSB to your Slann. See if you can boost your TG numbers...
You can also go on ebay and find them for cheap sometimes.
Not bad! I like some of the stuff you've got going on here.
There's a couple of things you can try to reduce points: Drop Chakax. Drop Javs and Shields. Drop Command on Cold One Riders. Or, alternatively,...
Slannfrog is right. Every model in the unit has to be outfitted the same (unless there's a character in the unit). The reason for this is because...
I dug up these a couple months ago. I was planning on using the Saichania as an EoTG.
Here's my idea. It's a little more expensive than magnetizing, but it'll save you the trouble of drilling and messing around with magnets. Buy...
I've never used bleach before, but I often use Pine Sol. It works pretty well, as long as you soak your models in it for a really long time.
Couldn't agree more, although I started back when we had the classic Stegadon. Unlike a lot of people, there are very few models that I don't...
Good idea! Now you can create as many as you want! You've got some really cool stuff here! Keep up the good work!
He's about 14 cm long, 5.5 cm high (without the howdah or anything else), and just a tad under 5 cm wide (again, without the howdah).
I really like all your conversions! Seeing them painted up is nice as well. :D
Actually, I'm in the process of writing a book that I plan on submitting to Black Library on the story of Oxoyotl.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, my Stegadon! [attach] Sorry about the focus on that one, it's a little funky, I know. Here's a close up of...
From what I can see, it looks nice. I can't see much at all though. Bigger pictures plzkthks.
Re: 300 point club - June Submissions due July 7th! Alright, guys, here's the medal for June! [attach] Now get busy on your July submissions!
Anyone have one of the 6th edition Temple Guard heads? I mean this one: All I need is a head, preferably not the open mouthed one, but if that's...
@ Revered_Guardian: This FAQ: @ strewart: Thanks, I'll definitely give that some thought. @ Jive...
Now that the FAQ is up, I really don't see any point in fielding a Stegadon :( So here's my new army list: Saurus Oldblood Light Armor Shield...