You are, of course, talking about fahrenheit. Here in Australia we have developed to the more modern and widely recognised celcius system, of...
Salamanders seem like a great option to me. Flame template and auto-panic from any wounds caused can be a big hit to the Skaven. I know they get...
Greetings, and welcome to the forum! Your english seems above what a lot of native english speakers type these days anyway, so don't worry about...
Yes and yes. In fact, since he isn't in a unit (I assume) he actually cannot refuse a challenge because he has no ranks to hide in.
Please don't double post like that, people will reply if they want to without you bumping the thread. Just post the direct photobucket links, it...
Holy crap batman.. That is one of the most striking awesome looking stegadons I have seen; the choice of colours and the technique is just...
Its a luxury hobby, it really depends on how much disposable income you have and how much you want to burn on paints. From a direct value...
You need to thin inks because while they are already really thin, they have a very high pigment. Used straight from the bottle they are extremely...
Hmm great topic, and yes I think I will move this to the Tactics forum. It is a good idea to get the feel of your opponent's army and to know what...
The last page of the books are usually a reference sheet of all the stats and special rules (just mentioned, not described) that is pretty easy to...
May be too late, but you can always order from Maelstrom Games with free shipping (worldwide) and 12% off UK prices.... *Cough* I suggest you just...
GW are being very cagey with their release schedule lately, it is really impossible to know if anything new will come soon. I suspect we will be a...
Empire hey... I guess the biggest worry from Empire is their warmachines. A cannon can cause serious hurt to a stegadon or an expensive unit of...
IMO you absolutely need one of either inks or washes. They can so quickly and easily add a massive amount of depth and detail to your models. If...
Yeah... Keep in mind you need to upload to somewhere else like photobucket first, and you cannot use img tags you must use [pic] tags. This is a...
Aww I never get to choose my own rank! Oh well. I'm happy with the great sword, and I am wearing one of those pointy-nosed medieval helmets with a...
Hmmm I'm going to shift this thread to general discussions. Bit early for merry christmas threads. :P Enjoy the holidays though.
You kinda need to upload it somewhere like photobucket before posting it here... Check this thread for details.
Cool, I look forward to seeing it.
Wow, viva on thursday went great and I didn't leave the city until stumbling home at 4am thursday night, friday night went much the same way had...