Look up how frenzy works in the BRB. You will find that with mounts, if one gets it the other does too. Same with hatred. So you don't need the...
They're up to 6 bucks a pop in Australia, screw paying for GW stuff. I'm finding a cheaper brand that gives more paint in the pot and just...
Good to hear things are starting to get back on track. The thing about uni is you can always do the subjects again, I think a lot of people don't...
Hmm well that makes the spell quite impractical really. As mentioned, you would basically HAVE to get IF to cast it. There is the same chance on...
This Tuesday, the 2nd of march, AC DC will roll into town with a whopping 75 semi trailers worth of stage props including a full steam train and...
Do the Skaven no longer have the irrisistable force special rule where if the sum of the dice is 13, its IF, not if there are double 6's? In 6th...
Even a character on a steg can join units since it becomes a monstrous mount rather than a monster. The only restriction is that flying mounts...
I actually kinda like the horns as they are. They look like wood rather than bone, which is an interesting idea. Try watering down your paints a...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far... NEW Wip Stegadon :) Wow hes looking really cool, great work!
In 40k there are things like lascannons and tanks to take the big stuff down. In WHFB, not so. A steg is a scary sight. One is always balanced...
I'm sure someone will come along and overrie at least one or two of these since I'm drunk, but most should be pretty ok. The TG take all hits...
Re: Xlanhuapec Lizardmen Army Log (Pic Heavy) Yeah just go straight over the top, if it goes too dark then apply a light drybrush of your gold...
Seconded. They look good, but would give better definition IMO with an extra colour or shade. In this case since the orange looks great and they...
Re: Xlanhuapec Lizardmen Army Log (Pic Heavy) Yeah given the evidence of wash everywhere else, I suspected that may be the case. Photography can...
Re: Xlanhuapec Lizardmen Army Log (Pic Heavy) Wow they look really good, nice work! My only small suggestion is the gold on the shields, it looks...
The range of salamanders is pretty reasonable so they are a much more offensive option for you, you will be aiming to obliterate before anything...
Greetings, welcome to the forum! In fluff terms Tau may be close to LM, but in playing style they are worlds apart. You should enjoy the army...
I personally undercoat everything with black these days. If you use white, you need to be really careful to cover over it in the deep and hard to...
Yeah I am the resident Spadmin (spamming admin) around here! :P Are you only posting to UK, or rest of the world as well?
Awesome, you are right. Good deal. Time to get them painted up and ready to batle! :)