You can't really apply logic as an argument for rules, there are ton of rules that are unrealistic and doesn't make sense. On page 72 in BRB it...
I couldn't disagree more, I've had a lot of success running lone slann with the Etheral discipline and I know several top players running similar...
I often use 2 units of cammo skinks, sometimes even 3. As mentioned they have several roles in the army so they are very versatile and tacticaly...
As mentioned they flee away from the source of the panic and in the end of the phase, away from the terradons current position. There is however a...
You're wrong. Anyone who knows the rules can back me up on this, read the Lizardmen army book, a BSB can take the EXACT same mundane items as a...
Its just as Strewert says, unlike Tanks in 40k there are much fewer good counters to Stegs. The only army that would do okay against a 7 steg list...
Master of the Woods doesnt work of forest spirits so a very large part of the WE army is immune to "their own trees". WE got a lot of flammable...
Rod of the storm is pretty useless, you won't be able to drain enought dispel dice to get it off and its pretty bad against skaven as its only...
Erm, what? Of course he can take a shield, there is nothing preventing BSBs from taking shields.... Why wouldnt he be able to have the scar vet...
It doesnt move in a random direction, it has a random move value of 3D6 but the skaven player still decides where it moves, just not how far. On...
Hmm I have no idea what I was thinking, obviously I counted wrong somehow, its 9 PDs + effectivly 4 from Rumination and bound spells, so 13 not 15...
1 unit to take out 4 BTs? Highly unlikley. If you want to marsh block with cammo skinks make sure you keep it small, 5-6 skinks is enought. They...
Looks pretty solid, with a few exceptions. The foot skink is pretty pointless, your paying a lot of pts for 1 DD and 1 Scroll, either skip him or...
Looks pretty competative to me, hardly a friendly list at all. Temple Guards, 2 stegs, 11 PDs +1 per spell +1 bound spell(effectivly 15 PDs which...
Sry but thats wrong. The rule book is very clear about how monsters and handlers work. If you charge a Hydra you COMPLETLY ignore the handlers as...
Outnumbering and terror causing vs fear causing is a very valid point, but the hydra has 7 attacks. When you charge a Hydra the handlers are 100%...
Movement 4. The only bunker for your Scar vet is in the saurus unit which has Move 4. which means you rarely get a charge off against movement 5...
The engine is an absolute nightmare for HE, I see no reason why you should'nt take it and unless he is fielding 4 RBTs he will have a lot of...
You really want Bane Head, so if you are afraid of cannons ust take the etheral discipline. You also have Temple Guards so if you face cannons you...
I'm surprised nobody mentioned one of the best hydra killers around: Scar-vet BSB on a CO with Enchanted Shiedand and Burning blade. The hydra...