You may or may not remember I finished my degree in november (god it feels so long ago), well my ceremony was on friday so I thought I would share...
On the other side of the world, we are entering winter so only get 4 weeks holidays... Christmas went for 2-3 months though. Of course, I am...
Personally I find it just as realistic (perhaps moreso) that a skinny and well disciplined unit of elves can reach through 3 men in front as that...
Yeah I have heard that they are more Mayan than Aztec.. Really, as Caeldan said, I don't really know enough about the differences to know. They...
Its looking very unique, good work. Will be keen to see it finished.
Tomb Kings are definitely on the horizon, but last I heard they had been pushed back because of 8th ed. It is quite possible we won't see another...
Woah did you not get a little bit worried about whipping out a camera in what appears to be a public toilet??
Teclis has a whopping toughness of 2, definitely offence is the best defence in this case. Stegadon? Cavalry? Why waste your time when a Jag...
That will look good when finished! Nice start.
Sweet, cool idea! I'm going to move this to the other races painting forum though. ;)
Nice work, the chaos orc looks good even if a bit shiny. I like the juggernaught.
Re: Painting schemes for my new Lizzie army Very cool, and yeah good idea with the skink eyes! Really like the texture and blending on the skink...
Alright since there were 2 8th ed topics basically next to each other, I have merged them. @Canegham, yeah GW apparently want to increase...
Maybe not... I have heard the models stepping forward will get only 1 attack and with a hand weapon. Otherwise who is going to get through a unit...
Sounds like a great game. :D It is available, but I am not a console gamer so I have no idea if it was censored or how much it was. PS3 games are...
Yeah of course you can just use house rules. Most people won't though. I don't think it is going to make the game worse. Just different. Less...
Well thats the other flaw in the system actually.. A lot of games that are R in the US just get MA 15+ here when really they should be R. The...
Yeah you choose which to go with when you reach combat, and once you choose you must stick with that choice for the duration of the combat but if...
I don't think it can be compared to a chariot since you cannot kill the riders seperately... They have no individual wound stats. Thats like...
Great looking shield, I like!