also, that whole unit can be blasted away by an unlucky infernal gateway or just swallowed by the purple sun or pit of shades. its quite fragile...
must try, sounds quite dastardly
salamanders + doom and darkness is an awesome combo when dealing with hordes or basically anything you can't afford to get to you. also flame cage...
looks like a solid list. allways take salamanders instead of razordons. or take 1 salamdner and 1 razordon for a few games and then compare them...
i actually advise against the razordons. they're just as crappy as in 7th and salamanders got that much better for the same points. the sun...
both the rules and the FAQ are rather vague actually. if read for the 1st time you could easly understand that 1+ is the best save but it can go...
it depends really. while a spear steg has more hitting power in CC, especially now that models are removed from teh abck and you want to kill as...
and a few other things such as the anvil of doom.
mystery rumination divine plaque. if you run a lone slann with life miscasts won't matter unless you get sucked into the realm of chaos or roll...
forests are no longer shooting protection, they are there for CC now as units inside can't be steadfast. just wait for the big units in the forest...
i was thinking prince on dragon, dragonmage and a lvl 1 wizard with the choose your own spells item to get the transformation and throw 6 dice at...
its great for casting, the ward save is good in some cases and impact hits + burning alignment are better than ever since you really have to kill...
i've been playing a few games with this list and i'm quite happy with it, but feedback is allways usefull. Slann 440 Mystery Rumination...
ohh.... must have skipped that, i'm used to the command order from VC and TK, i skipped multi wound part, thx.
uhhm... one problem with this. once you fail to cast a spell it doesn't matter how many dices are in your pool. add hat to the amount of spells...
so we have are favorite spell that raises expensive saurus from the dead, in a certain order aswell if those models are dead, here's the rules...
regarding lore: theres a big discussion between life and light, both are awesome. while life gives you extra T, regen, miscast prevention, revive...
the fun part is that with so many kroxigor the enmy will have a hard time dispelling teh slanns spells, you got throne, stone to flesh and revive...
why horned one? a cold one is the same thing -1 M and with stupidity, but a lot cheaper. stupidity is rarely a problem and with the new charge...
while cavlary in general has aken a serious hit, bretonnian cavlary wasn't that damaged. they have their lance formation, so they still get ranks,...