Great looking Slann. As for the Stegadon, he simply is stunning!!!! What techniques did you use for the skin? Is it only some highlights or is...
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update April 25th***) I find that my limited knowledge of the english language doesn't allow me to...
I've been working on some stuff lately, haven't made much progress but I will post a picture of the basing I did for the salamander I am working...
So far, the following forum members have sent me pictures of the model they plan to paint: - Thunda Parrot - 1968yearofmetall - Viarca -...
Yes you can still join and you send me the pictures when you are done.
To simplify matters, here's my e-mail for the participants: I've already received some pictures from some of you, keep...
While it doesn't have to be base, basing is one of the thing that really adds to the overall quality of a miniature. I suggest you find a way to...
Only 1 entry per participant. If you have time to paint 2, pick the best, or spend more time on one :D.
Friday the 13th of May :D Funny how things work :walkingdead:
Just to clarify something here, I won't be participating in this one, since I'm not working on a character at the moment and I'd really like to...
Ok, to answer a couple of questions: - No doom diver, it's a warmachine. - I would tend to keep monstrous mounts (for example an Old Blood on...
Man I failed miserably in my own challenge... To be honest, I expected to finish a unit, but I only finished 1 model and have 5 other WIP. Still,...
You are off to a really good start Jeremiah. I like both your skinks and saurus. I'll be looking for more of your stuff shortly :D.
Wow that dragon's post looks really nice!!! I'll have to buy it just to put it in my HE collection :D. On big monsters, it seems like it's the...
T`hinker`er, don't be too hard on yourself... At the end of the day, playing the game is what is fun. Winning sure is better, but learning from...
So this week end, I found the equivalent of a Warhammer player treasure chest: some old paint pots I used back in 2004, with some brushes as well....
I was wondering about that NIGHTBRINGER and I must say that it is very unlikely that an Ancient Steg can do much against a Necrosphinx since that...
I will definitely try to finish my rank of Saurus Warriors before the end of the challenge. I've been so busy with work that I haven't touched my...
@HashBash: Congrats on the work you've done, I really like what you did with the Temple Guards @Ollie: Awesome army man!!!! You should start your...
You can always convert something into a character :D.