That looks awesome! If only I had like any idea or some kind of skill in sculpting, but alas I do not. Keep up the good work.
Coming along nicely
I agree with Strewart in putting some moss on that one black area. As far as the oldblood goes I think he looks fine the way he is.
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update June 6th***) WOW. Absolutely amazing! I can't even begin to describe...I just...HOLY HELL THIS...
Looking good man. Nice job on the waterfall, keep it up!
Really nice loooking models. The paint scheme as mentioned before is really simple but it looks awesome. Well done.
Looking pretty good so far. Can't wait for the finished product. Ps: I love woodland scenics products. Absolutely awesome!
Ah yes of course, thank you Rokanos. Oh and don't feel bad about not completeing anything, I'm in the same boat.
@novatomato: Good luck at the tournament! What do you mean cracking?
@ Strewart: OMG I love Total War! I only own Medieval Total War and loved playing until sadly one day the CD somehow became corrupted and I can no...
Nice conversion. Looks pretty mean and bad ass.
Re: Something Big this way comes....A Thunder Lizard Seige Tower Awesome special rules and stats you have crafted together. It would be so cool...
I'm jealous! I bought SC2 but instead of reading the system requirements beforehand I found out the hard way that my computer was far outdated for...
Re: Something Big this way comes....A Thunder Lizard Seige Tower WOW...that is absolutely amazing! I agree with every comment on here thus far!...
Ugh I still haven't gotten my warriors done. Just been so busy with things and have had so many other distractions (like my first party at my new...
Very nice looking saurus. The color choice for the weapons goes really well with the blue.
Nice looking stegadon Strewart. Reminds of like a poisoned stegadon :-)
Then again fellas, this is a game and it is a fantasy game. Anything is possible ;)
Re: 20,000k list Wow, that is quite the army. I love all the different stegadons you have. Very impressive and very colorful!
I vote for the lighter flock. Looks more jungly than the darker one. The darker one reminds me of something you would find deep inside a thick...