Sexy. I have heard Dreadfleet is not selling very well, opening weekends in stores (especially Aus) were pretty poor. However, a lot of people...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far. (It's....) That looks awesome! Nice work. Did you draw it?
Definitely very very cool! Great work!
I'm curious to hear about gameplay and whether at the end of the day, people actually think they are getting value for money in the kit or not.
So does anyone here have it? And if so is it worth buying? I have pretty much missed all news, rumours, information etc. over the last week and a...
That looks sweet! Cool character!
Looks great, very nice work!
I don't think they will contact you since they have all the details required anyway. As far as I know, they should have done it though. Be...
Hmm thats a potentially very good use. Of course, with the net spell on the warmachine they won't even try to activate it so no damage will be...
I have to agree... I haven't found the cloak all that useful. You are better off buying more models. Magic missiles definitely aren't that great...
Corner to corner contact is the best you can do for attacks, it must be at least that. You cannot just use the model next to if there is no corner...
You have nothing to complain about until you are putting 5 layers of highlight on each individual scale like I did with mine! :P The bone is...
I go 6 wide, saurus are great infantry and as you say, you want a lot of them attacking the opponent. If you are supporting them well with a...
Wow it really worked out $50 cheaper from the UK with their shipping? I know I tried that with Space Hulk and it seemed they had deliberately set...
Welcome to Lustria! I have to agree, your colour selection and painting skills are very good. Keep it up! I love the skink priest conversion too.
G'day, welcome to the board! 1000 points is quite small, you won't really be able to fit a lot into it. LM definitely enjoy full power at 2k or...
Very nice looking skinks! They look cold!
Yeah 40k can be a combination of the right list, and who can get their biggest guns to hit the right spots on turn 1. If you can incapacitate...
I guess it is different in everyone's gaming group. In 7th ed, my elven army used to happily roll with just a lvl1 scroll cady against any army....
I don't mind playing balanced Skaven lists. I enjoy playing VC even though I beat them fairly easily these days, also enjoy Beasts and Orcs...