Very tempted to pick up a Carnosaur kit, but they're $100 here in Australia! Which is about 4 hours at work for me....
There is, of course, a certain point where rules-lawyering with poorly worded rules destroys the spirit and for-fun purpose of the game :rolleyes:
I don't think Devil was going that far. But if you have two Skink Priests, one with the feather cloak, and you've given one a Cloak of Feathers,...
Get on WargamerAu. Biggest Aus wargaming community. Sure some bullsh!t flies sometimes, but mostly it's just laughs. Also a great buy/sell/swap...
"Casket of the Cold Ones" How did I miss this the first time around? PMSL :D
Well Gidday from your opposite number, in the south west of West Aus :D Are you over on WargamerAu?
Re: Dice Order: They're Here!!! Now the agonising wait for them to get on the Slow Boat to Australia! My work Christmas/New Year break will just...
I honestly just went for green lizardmen. The blue is awesome and all, but a pain to do and a bit too vanilla. So my Saurus are Knarloc Green with...
I'm trying to paint some birds with black plumage, anyone have hints so as to make them look good, instead of merely as if I've basecoated them...
Re: Dice Order: Now we wait So THAT'S how the ratmen blight came to be, some damned fool 5th generation Slann just couldn't bear to wait for his...
Cold One Cav comes with small banners than slot into the saddle, they're the perfect Skink banners if you can get them to stick to their tiny hands!
The only reason I hesitate to field CoC is the few nasty run ins with lore of metal I've had :(
Re: MiniJunkie's Lizardmen - Saurus Scar Vet on Carnosaur I should get offline and stay there, I'm running out of paintbrushes to bite in half.
Wildform, always Wildform, all the time! Amirite?
Re: Dice Order: IMPORTANT UPDATE IN OP & PAGE 21 UPDATED ORDER - I also added one artillery pip.... PlasmaDavid Death Mask - 15 - Scarab...
Re: Dice Order: IMPORTANT UPDATE IN OP & PAGE 21 Perhaps a NEW THREAD would make this easier for everyone to re-submit their orders? Let us know...
Re: Dice Pledges: Closed The big one with the number glyphs! To represent +1, or just the number of the spell that was cast. Still, I've got...
Re: Dice Pledges: Closed Doh, I wish I'd bought two different colours of the large "number dice" Green for magical buffs and red for debuffs...
So... Does Burning Alignment (or Burning Ailment as I call it...) hit units that are tied up in CC? Direct Damage spells can't target units in CC,...