Ha that's the bargain you were talking about ^^ older models, lesser price... Good idea
Well maybe on the smaller creatures yeah.. Give it one try on a saurus I guess. Btw what material did you use on the carnosaur's base? Looks like...
Amazing job on these, converting woogity's already fabulous miniatures… kudos @kubapj !
Yep that's what I was asking! i like that green tone. So you're using green stuff on your guards and skinks… means you've been thinking of...
Awesome work on both the led and the bases indeed. I'm really, really interested in the lava method ;) So what colour scheme did you choose for...
Can't really argue against that when I see the reactions that keep coming up, even after your message and mine (the one you quoted)… so i can just...
my bad, i was actually getting it all together: the green from the riders and skinks and the white from the saurus. its the riders i had in mind,...
Wow @Jorgik i like the texture and the nuances in the stone quite a lot. You managed to give it an ancient looking, realistic feel… did you add...
some very nice painting here @Phoedinn ! i like the palanquin quite a lot, looks pretty natural, and the overall colour scheme of green/white (i...
Actually maybe we might just as well close the thread. @protector, you may if you want keep the list and give it to woogity if he asks you to, and...
Well, lets just be clear about the intentions here: no one is intending to cause woogity any problems, or even annoyance. It seems to me that...
Hey @protector thanks for setting this up, I'm in for the Krox as well if by any chance you think you can add me to the list… I would love to go...
Yes that sounds awesome. Would make things easier for everyone. Woogity, I'm still interested in your magnificabulous Krox as well btw, if there...