@Killer Angel today I 'm playing my very first Seraphon battle, it will be 1000p and I 'm going with the list you proposed ! :D ( later on I am...
Oh wow.. ok my proposal would be to magnetize 30 of them, 40 at most. Doubt you' ll ever gonna need more and it will really be time consuming so...
I felt what killer angel said for old blood on scar vet when reading stats but the old blood on foot really seems to have way different potentials...
Thank you so much man, you are awesome !
Hehe ok, fair enough
May I ask why spears over Celestite clubs in a group of 10? Is it like really hard to pile in enough clubs to worth over spears ?
Alright, guess I ll just try that after all Thanks a bunch for replying !
His name is Totzro as you can see in the pic but I have no idea on how to search an image shared by someone to find a post ! Nor sure if it would...
Hello guys and merry Christmas ! So I once bumped into this GORGEOUS Carnosaur whose paint scheme is one of the most cool ones I' ve seen so far...
Judging by the general advices given in our forum, the Saurus warriors should be equipped with maces except very specific situations that spears...
This is one extraordinary looking model ! Would you please tell me how did you make it ?? I ll be following your thread, your army seems a really...
Let me start by saying that I m a newb player Here are my questions ! 1) Isn't his list doomed to fail to scenarios due to mobility? 2) Even...
Glad to hear this worked out so well because although I like Saurus a lot I am in love with skinks and a heavy skink army is my aim !
Your army is spectacular man ! You really put thought and effort into it and you got a literally unique result ! This is an awesome army. Kudos !
I have only been watching and reading AoS so far so I am nothing close to a strategist but wouldn't this army have serious issues against elite...
To begin with let me express my admiration for your painting skills which are absolutely astonishing! May I ask what kind of procedure you...
These reports made my day, please keep them coming every time you play. Description was so lovely that I felt I was taking part in those epic...
Thank you very much guys, really appreciating it
Hello once again guys, So as you probably already realized, I have a question about how to swap the square bases into circle ones. And I am not...
Awesome ! Thank you once again Bowser. Always ready and willing to help !