Does not really make any sense in my opinion. The only reason they put the rule of 1 was to balance imbalances, not make weaker units even worse...
I am actually interpreting it as " They can move / run normally next round" ? Why wouldn't they ? Please help :confused:
I had never known of him until this moment. He definitely seems really reaaaaallly good. Here comes the tough question though : Point Cost ? :p
One day I will fit both a Bastiladon and Stardrake into a list... Sounds like a plan !
Err I 've only seen Tzeentz to a battle report once to youtube but they were spilling mortal wounds like it was easy ? I would like comments from...
Heavily depends on the the list I 'm building each time since each list has its own strengths and weaknsesses. Battleshock really isn't an issue...
Well as long as you learnt something from the experience of these battles, it still worthed it. 1. What would you change in these games if you...
Ahahaha you guys are awesome, this is too good haha :D:D:D
Once again.. thank you so much @Bowser :)
I just saw Balthasar Gelt, the Supreme Patriarch for the first time. Besides being a really interesting model his spell simply seems too good for...
This army must be one of the most awesome things ever ! :D
Seems solid. I would probably go for a 30 skink man group to harass the enemy or 3 units of 10 for chaff purposes though instead of knights*** ....
Has anybody done "the math" so far in order to determine how much is the difference of picking 1 weapon over the other? As to : How many less have...
Chamo skinks are awesome but I think that 10 will be the most you ll be needing. Keep the warriors with the star priest imo :D
"Jew builds" I laughed way too hard :D:confused::p
Hehe well you pointed it out straightforward from the very beginning "We are both fairly new to playing so this was a very casual game both of us...
I would prefer the starpriest over battlemage. Not really sure he 'll pay its cost in this list + without him you can have knights as battleline...
I honestly believe it's all due to Sylvaneth being updated whereas we haven't yet. I expect most of these things to change with our new rulebook !...
Well they do have different roles after all so I m not sure I would swap a unit that was supposed to tank with awesome ninjas ! ( they wound on 4+...
The 2nd list seems really strong as well. My only consideration : How will you react vs range oriented armies ? Also : 20 guards is a good amount...