Do you water them down or use some other substance ? While I have seen a huge improvement to my painting, I am now at the point where I either...
Can't tell how much time it took you but I can definetely tell how AMAZING they are !
You can check out my battlereports. I 've used a list that was built after lots of thinking but with the necessity of finding models fast and...
For the same reason with Stormcast Eternals I guess. They unit must pop 9" away from enemy.. the unit, not the WHOLE unit which means that by...
This is a very good suggestion as it will be really low on budget and there is some pure synergy down this list A Bastiladon is always gold but...
It's gonna have some serious trouble against most armies since they 'll be quickly exposed and the range ain't that big * so many range units have...
Ohhh I thought that it couldn't either use the Command Trait ! That's a wonderful information, thanks !
I think that you cannot have Stegadon as a Leader though :(
I agree with the idea and I understand that they were much alike *well as a modelist I sure as hell know they weren't but for people not into the...
Not Seraphon related but I wanted to ask : Is it only me or there are 2 units IronDrakes / IronBreakers than are "No longer available " ? That...
The lore is that we got completely destroyed from Skaven raids. Not because they were stronger but due to plagues they were carrying. The Slanns...
Steampunk element was always there indeed and I liked it a lot. But I definitely do NOT want to see it overwhelming the rest characteristics....
Such a nice story ! Stay strong and keep getting more energetic ! An excellent reply indeed ! Kudos to GW !
Thanks for sharing the wisdom !
I don't know about that one ! @Bowser give us your lights please !
Yep ! For any kind of move - movement included - you measure the inches by bending the measure !
Simplistic yes, moves that doesn't seem to make "sense" not sure. Hopefully more people will reply to the thread to tell their opinions ! *...
It doesn't work this way judging by the tournaments I've participated so far ! :p ( and also doesn't really make sense as they try to keep it as...
The way they moved it implied they "jumped over " the other unit + they don't retain coherency at the end of the move
The 1st red unit did a movement that cannot be done. Some models definitely moved more than 3" in this example and also besides the 2 models to...