Quick conscript them into membership !
Dr. Strange :doctor:
Did someone say noise ? [spoiler] Ps. A
looks like you need 606 more massages. :p
... Is that glow in the dark pint on the black skink priest ? :eek:
They have other site skins that are less obnoxious.
https://www.dakkadakka.com DakkaDakka isn't tooo bad, but being 40k, I'm sure it's a bit winey.
Yea the whole second games is centered around Lizardmen and Lustria. (also there are high & dark elves also probably Skaven)
Oh do you mean trophy points ? Mostly just post a lot. I think one of the first post from "the red devil" breaks it all down for you.
You must have just came from the main Warhammer blog or something.... o_O Most of us are here because we just like Mayan dinosaurs riding...
It's not just you... :shifty: ` ` ` :clown: I find Q a bit of a annoying plot devise. Reminds me of characters like.... Bat-mite & The Great Gazoo
@The Red Devil This might be a good idea. :writing: lots of theses total war topics floating around...
Looks like a lot of plain mat white, and some patches of dark grey and red... Shouldn't be terribly hard... ... your drone looks fine. What are...
http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/to-cheese-or-not-to-cheese.17332/ o_O
Don't worry, most people know a little bit of Italian.
Lizardmen on the other hand.... [img] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer_II
Yep cannons will probably only take out one if you rush them first turn. Best to get into close combat as soon as possible.
.... Your Dwarves must be amazing, :eek: ``` :oldman: