Jaw dropingly amazing, as usual. :pompus:
Ordering is in the other Woogity thread. expect 6 months between mass shipments.
Hand weapons ?
... I'm trying to follow along, but don't have the game yet... - What's a stack ? o_O
I'll see if I can clean that up for you Warden. [ATTACH]
The fact that most water sources around cities at the time where only slightly better that an open sewer probably reinforced this belief. :( For...
I recommend this site for all of our beginning painters. http://www.how-to-paint-miniatures.com/ :artist:
Purple and gold are a pretty good match. maybe like a dark violet shade of purple ? So have you done any painting before ?
Oh my second steg Can be converted to great bow, blowpipes or skink chief/Tenehuian. Ps. although I didn't do it, I recommend magnetizing the...
.... Yes. :cool: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/rare-earth-magnets.951/ (My modular Steg) can be configured for great bow, blowpipes or...
I hear the big combo boxes are a pretty good deal. A balanced approach is generally best.
Hey, welcome to Lustria. we are a pretty friendly bunch of cold blooded reptiles around here.
[IMG] Edit: I see you like my post. ;)
:greedy::greedy::greedy::greedy::greedy::greedy::greedy: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG][IMG]
... Sigh :facepalm: ...the updated FAQ. :oldman: that ever body was asking for... before they blew up the whole planet. and gave up on 8th...