Is it wrong that I believe if you're going to drink alcohol drink alcohol not all this flavoured crap...(old man voice)
Also @neveroddoreven Please show me the brushes you are using i cannot for the l8fe of me get this done mine keep twisting
@neveroddoreven Let me tell you two things, one you better have one for that, two I've never been attracted to a model before but let me tell you...
@Fhanados Normally i use 1:1 right now ive mainly have been using a mix of yellow millput and GS. Ive found if i use yellow by itself the casted...
Green stuff works for one part mold you have to really put it in there to make sure you get all the small details. From what I found with...
There is someone on these forms that did purple. I can remember but of you look youll find her work
Excuse mt i need tp see a doctor about getting my jaw re attached
Yah that thing is probly a baby groot stand in. As the baby groot stuff has been selling realy well so...
[ATTACH] The part when she face swapped with the ghist freaked put my wife lol
I dint need more reasons to hate jedi but having jar jar on your side is not an issue to me lol
No i hate the ewoks more than anything in starwars, and calling jar jar a secret sith lord is probly the highest compliment people give him. ( i...
I still love the theory that jar jar is the true Sith lord of the franchise...it was his vote that started the fire after all lol
Yah for a visual example would be....[ATTACH]This is my engine of the gods (once its done) For the most part þhis is ok (but there are a few...
This is a question that has been asked by many. I've asked myself as most of my model's are all kitbash. Fir the most part the community is happy...
Been doing this for some time it works great